Tuesday 3 September 2019

A super start my 
Mighty and Magnificent Grade 4/5!
Image result for m and m characters
Today we shared with our classmates a little bit about ourselves and discussed classroom routines and expectations. We watched a video to reinforce the importance of KINDNESS. Share the video with a parent:

What do you think is the message of the video?

Don't forget to bring a small object to share with the class that says something about you! It can be an everyday object....

Two letters were sent home today:
  • The ABCs of Mrs. Hollis' Class
  • Getting to Know Your Child
Please return the "Getting to Know Your Child" sheet as soon as possible.
The cost of agendas is $6.00. Students have  NOT received their agendas. Before they arrive, payment may be remitted using cash-online. 
Please initial agendas each evening when they arrive.

We have a student with anaphylactic allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Any food with these ingredients are not permitted in the classroom.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we begin cross country practice at the end of the day (weather permitting). Don't forget to bring your gym clothes and running shoes.