Monday 30 September 2019

What a wonderful day we had today at Fanshawe. The weather was perfect and we were able to catch and take a close look at many INVERTEBRATES in both the field and the pond. What is an invertebrate?

At school we began to talk about FOOD CHAINS. In a food chain, energy goes from one thing to another. We show the flow of energy in a food chain using ARROWS.

Plants and animals depend on each other in the food chain. Living things are classified as producers, consumers and decomposers.

Consumers can be herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.

Consumers can also be classified as primary consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer. The primary consumer eats the plants. The secondary consumer eats the animal that eats the plant. The tertiary consumer eats the animal that eats the animal that eats the plants. Let's look at an example:

A few other words we discussed today were PREDATOR and PREY.

The predator is the hunter and the prey is the hunted. Here is an example below:
Related image

We will be working on the relationships in food chains for the next few weeks.

Social Studies
If you didn't find out the name of the candidates in your area, please search tonight. Let's start with these candidates.Who are they? What party do they belong to?

Image result for party leaders 2019 election

Who are these candidates? What party do they belong to?

  • Please make sure you are reviewing terms for both Science and Social Studies.

Congratulations to our Faith Virtue recipients this month: Dominika and Jacob F. Bravo!
Image result for faith clipart