Saturday 12 October 2019

Image result for happy thanksgiving
This week our focus has been patterns. Repeating patterns, growing patterns with numbers and shapes and on Friday shrinking patterns. The best way to see patterns is in a table or chart. In this unit both grades must be able to:
  • create growing, shrinking and repeating patterns 
  • extend growing, shrinking and repeating patterns
  • make predictions about growing, shrinking and repeating patterns
  • organize patterns into tables
  • state the pattern rule
Let's review what we know so far....

Repeating patterns have numbers or shapes that form a core that repeat over and over. For example the core in

The size of the core of the pattern can help you predict what number or shape will be in a particular spot later on in the pattern.

In the pattern above there are 5 terms in the core. Every fifth shape will be a square. So the 50th term will be a square. To get the 53rd term you would count three more from the square which is a triangle.

Cores with only two terms are easy. Every odd number will the first term and every even number will the the second term.

Remember each part of a pattern is called a term.

Growing patterns increase in size. We can show growing patterns using numbers and shapes. We used tiles primarily to show growing shape patterns.

The most important thing about patterns is they continue following a RULE. To find the rule in a number pattern, we find the difference or "gap" between the two numbers. In the growing pattern below:

4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 19

The difference between 5 and 4 is 1, 5 and 7 is 2, 7 and 10 is 3, 10 and 14 is 4, 14 and 19 is 5.
So the pattern rule is

START AT 4 ADD 1, ADD 2, ADD 3, ADD 4 and so on

This growing pattern does not grow by the same amount but it does grow in a PREDICTABLE way.
We must ALWAYS include the first number in the pattern when writing the rule.

What will the next three terms be?

What will be the 50th number in the following pattern?

2, 6, 10, 14, 18

We know the pattern rule is START AT 2 ADD 4 EACH TIME. That's easy.

We could do the repeated addition using a calculator but there is another way. If we set up a t-chart it's actually quite easy!


Repeated addition is just MULTIPLICATION. When you go from Term 1 to Term 50, that's 49 terms (50 - 1). 49 x 4 = 196 so that is the amount the pattern increases by. To get the number you would add 196 + 2 because that's what you started with. So the 50th term in this pattern is 198.

How could you create a shape pattern that follows this number pattern? When creating growing shape patterns, you must grow you shape in exactly the same way. Add tiles in a predictable way.

Notice how the next term is made from the term before.

Next we talked about patterns in tables and we used recipes as a practical application. Sometimes we have to double, triple or quadruple a recipe to feed more people. The goal was to be able to create tables (using a ruler with the correct headings), fill in the table, extend the table using the pattern rule in each column and get information from the table. Most students are able to extend the table using the rule. The most challenging part is setting up the table and writing the correct headings. The first row of the table is usually given. It also tells the pattern rule for the column.

Grade 5, #6 and page 7 was a GREAT thinking question. You table should have looked like this:

Least Players
Most Players

You have 62 players to place on a team. From the table you can see you have to have 5 teams because 62 is between 55 (putting the least players on every team) and 75 (putting the most players on every team). Just use GUESS AND TEST.

What about 5 teams of 13? Well 5 x 13 = 65 , that's too many players so take away 1 player from 3 teams.

2 Teams of 13  is 13 x 2 = 26
3 Teams of 12 is 12 x 3 = 36

26 + 36 = 62

There is more than one answer to this question as long as the teams have between 11 and 15 players.

Grade 4 we looked at patterns in t-charts. Here's the video about the history of the Inukshuk:

Whether we use a t-chart or a table with many columns, we extend the table using a pattern rule.

We will continue on Tuesday with shrinking patterns.

Please complete Mathletics assignments.

In Science this week we talked about ADAPTATIONS. Adaptations can by structural or behavioral. A structural adaptations have to do with a part of a plant or animal. Behavioral is how they act.

Image result for adaptations definition

Image result for adaptations definition

Look at those ears, teeth and eyes!

Here are a few slide shows to help you review what we talked about in class:

You can work on your slide show from home on your Google drive.

Social Studies
The election is almost upon us. On Tuesday we will talk about our voting system. It's been difficult for us to use the on-line resources because of the poor Internet connection in our class. Please review the different party platforms on the environment. You are more than welcome to look at the party platforms on the other issues.

Look at these polls from CBC:

The Conservative Party is ahead of the Liberal Party by 0.5%. That's too close to call!

The federal election uses a FIRST PAST THE POST system of voting. In this system, the candidate who wins is the one with the most votes in a riding even if the majority of people did not vote for this person. We'll talk more about this on Tuesday.

In order to win a MAJORITY government, the party must win more than half the seats in parliament. If a party wins less than half but more than any other party, they will form a MINORITY government. Why is a better for a party to win a majority? What are the disadvantages of a minority government?

If you get some time, take this survey. We'll look at the results for our class. Our class code is:


The monster art looks AMAZING so far...

  • Math game for review
  • Mathletics assignments
  • Assessment folder signed with Data Management test. Make sure you set a goal.
  • Dry erase marker for math
  • Small, clear ruler to help you construct tables more easily

Happy Thanksgiving !
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