Sunday 10 November 2019

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So far in fractions....
  • a fraction is part of a whole
  • a fraction can also be part of  set
  • a unit fraction is a fraction with a numerator or 1
  • any fraction can be expressed or decomposed into a unit fractions
  • whole numbers on a number line can be divided into equal parts to show fractions
  • the top number in a fraction is called the numerator
  • the bottom number in a fraction is called the denominator
  • the fraction bar between the numbers is a division sign
  • the numerator tells the number of parts shaded
  • the denominator tells the number of EQUAL parts in all
  • fractions that are equal are called EQUIVALENT fractions
  • a fraction with a denominator that is twice the numerator is equal to 1/2
  • a fraction with the numerator equal to the denominator is equal to 1 whole
  • fractions with a denominator of 10 or 100 can be expressed easily as a decimal
Easy review:

Next we move to fractions greater than 1. They can be expressed as IMPROPER fractions or MIXED NUMBERS. We know that fractions can go beyond 1 because we counted by unit fractions.

Good review video:

Remembrance Day
On Friday we talked about Flanders Field and poppies. Where is Flanders? Flanders is in the northern part of Europe in the country of Belgium.

Image result for flanders map

Strategically during the world wars, it was an important location. It was on the North Sea right across from England.

We also talked about the Western Front. As you can see on the map below, the front ran through Belgium, France all the way to the Swiss border. The line shows how far the Germans had advanced or captured Europe during World War 1. You can also so why there was so much blood shed in Flanders. Many famous battles occurred on the Western Front because the Allied forces which included France, Britain, Russia, United States and Canada, had to hold the Germans back or lose the war.

Image result for western front ww1

A series a TRENCHES ran along this front. The fighting during World War 1 was also known as "trench warfare". The conditions in the trenches were horrible. Here is a picture of the trenches.
Image result for trench warfare

Here is a site with more information on World War 1 that is easy to read:

This is the video we watched with real footage and photos of wars that Canada fought:

Finally, why did the young girl in the commercial go to all the trouble of getting a poppy from Flanders Field?

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Great job recreating Flanders Field in Art. 

  • Make sure you have your pen pal letter ready to be edited on your Google Drive. Only six letters left before we can send them off to our pen pals.
  • Uniqueness wheel should be completed for Monday. Make sure you add visuals, words and make it bright and colourful. Ask yourself, is it your best work? Are you proud of it?
  • Remembrance Day liturgy in the gym at 10:45 am tomorrow.

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