Saturday 1 February 2020

Image result for happy groundhog day

Can't wait to hear the prediction for tomorrow. We do want winter for our tubing trip!

Last week we began our look at multi-digit multiplication. There are many different strategies, but in the end, use the strategy that suits you best. It's always wise to know several different strategies so you can check your answers.

The first strategy involved decomposing one factor and multiplying each part by the other factor.

For example, 673 x 6 

673 =600 + 70 + 3 (decomposing number / expanded form)
  x  6
3600 (600 x 6)
  420 (70 x 6)
    18 (3 x 6)

The reason this strategy works is the DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY. You can break any number up into parts, multiply the parts then add up the products. This can also work for your times table.

8 x 7 = 4 x 7 + 4 x 7 (breaking up 8 into 4 +4)
         = 28 + 28
         = 56

We also discussed the importance of ESTIMATING before multiplying. To estimate, round one of the factors. Remember and estimate is something you should be able to calculate in your head. Just keep in mind, if you rounded up, your estimate should be higher than your actual product.

673 x 6 = 700 x 6 = 4200 (which is higher than our actual product because we rounded 673 up. 

You don't always have to round the higher number. If you had 588 x 9 you might want to round the 9 to 10 so your estimate would be 588 x 10 = 5880.

Extra practice..... don't forget to estimate.

Next week we will look at the standard algorithm for multiplication and other ways to estimate products and quotients.

We continued our discussion of making good moral decisions. God gives us the tools we need to choose well and live a moral life. If we use these tools or gifts, we know that our decision has been made wisely. Ask yourself....
  • What does God say? Think of the 10 Commandments, Jesus' words and actions in the gospels.
  • What does your conscience say? That little voice or feeling which is really the Holy Spirit.
  • How does your choice affect others? You should always think of others before making a decision.
We also spoke about he two kinds of sins:
Mortal sin - a serious sin that willfully break's God's law
Venial sin - a lesser sin that does not separate us from God but hurts our relationship with Him

Knowing what is right but choosing to do wrong is IMMORAL.
Immoral actions harm US, they harm our relationship with GOD and they may harm our relationship with OTHERS.

In the same way exercising makes our body stronger, exercising good moral judgement makes us a better person.
If we choose patience over anger, we become more patient.
If we choose kindness over selfishness, we become kinder.
The more patient and kind we become, the easier it is to be patient and kind in the future. It also makes us a much happier person!

Image result for whatever you do, do it with kindness and love
  • Finish your pen pal letters. We want to send them to our pen pals by the end of the week.
  • Keep studying your multiplication facts.
  • Do not use a calculator to complete Mathletics assignments.