Happy March Break Mighty and Marvelous Grade 4/5 Parents!
Your child came home on Friday with several books and notebooks. This is the plan I explained to the students.
This week is March Break. Like any other year, I encourage students to make a bit of time for reading Read books and texts you enjoy and have fun with your family. See the instructions below for signing into Epic Books.
After the March Break, starting on Monday, March 23rd, I will be posting on the blog each day. The students will do a bit of math every day in the booklet provided or in their green math notebook. I will walk them through the tasks. Much of the math is multiplication and division review. They may also work on Mathletics assignments. Students were also given a Prodigy account. The Prodigy is more for fun.
For writing each day, I will give them a short writing prompt and ask them to write 3 to 5 sentences on the topic in the small green notebook provided. Somewhat like a journal. If they want to write more, they are more than welcome.
Checking over your child's work would be most appreciated.
For students who were absent on Friday, I will post the questions on the blog. If your child has a small notebook or lined paper at home, that will work.
My hope in doing this for two weeks, is to keep up their numeracy and literacy skills. If the Ministry of Education or the LDCSB gives further direction, I will let you know.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through School Messenger. I have sent everyone a copy of this note through School Messenger.
Wishing your family happiness and good health,
Mrs. Hollis
I have also created accounts for each student for Epic Books. Lots of reading can be done online! The instructions are below: