Test on adding, subtracting and estimating decimal numbers including money amounts. Make sure you review the different strategies for adding and subtracting (see weekend post).
Today we began to talk about PERIMETER.

What you should have learned from the Action Task today is many different shaped polygons can have the same perimeter. If you were making different polygons with a string 60 cm long, the perimeter of each shape will be 60 cm. You can reshape the string to make different polygons with a perimeter of 60 cm.
Some grade fours had difficulty with their Action Task. Here are some possibilities:
Make sure you complete corrections of decimal homework.Remember when you round decimals to the nearest whole number, THERE SHOULD NOT BE A DECIMAL. Rounding rules still apply. If the digit to the right is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 round down. If the digit to the right is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 round up.
Today we read the story "The Lost Spike". Share with a parent what this historical text was all about.
Here is a Heritage Minute clip about this topic:
This is a memorial in Toronto right across from the Roger's Centre where the Blue Jays play:

Here is the memorial in British Columbia:

After you complete your math test tomorrow, there are several questions for you to answer about the text. How did the text make you feel?
We will continue with time lines tomorrow. Deciding on the appropriate scale is the most difficult part. Each interval on your time line must represent the same amount of time.
Reforest London
Share with a parent a good choice of tree to plant in our schoolyard. What kind of soil do we have? Is that soil type typically good for most native trees?
- Phys. Ed tomorrow
- Lenten goal for today: ask a parent for a job at home and do it.