Thursday 5 September 2019

Today we completed Day 2 of our mentor sentence. We labeled all the parts of speech.

Sarah's hands were cold and clammy.

Sarah's -possessive proper noun
hands - common noun
were - verb
cold,clammy - adjectives
and - conjunction

We also talked about the structure of the sentence.

Sarah's hands - subject
were cold and clammy -predicate

The "Schoolhouse Rock" video clips explained the meaning of each of the parts of speech. Remember the meaning of a conjunction:

Image result for conjunction poster

Here's a good video to review the meaning of subjects and predicates. Remember the predicate is the part of the sentence with the VERB.

Can you break the sentences up into the subject and predicate?

We also read the book "Each Kindness" and discussed our third before reading strategy, setting a purpose. It's important to know why you are reading something because it may affect how you read it. If you know you have to summarize a text, you would read the text and try to think of the important ideas after each page or section. If you are reading to find information, you might read looking for key words. This skill comes in handy when you are doing research for non-fiction writing.

Our first after reading strategy is identifying important ideas.One way to look a main idea is to break it into two parts. The first part is a sentence or two telling what the text was mostly about. The second part of main idea is telling the author's message / theme / lesson. This takes a bit more thinking. Ask yourself, what does the author want you to remember after reading the text? 

Share with a parent the important ideas in the book "Each Kindness". Below is a link to someone reading the book.

What do you think the meaning of this saying is? 

Image result for it's not what you look at that matters it's what you see

We finished our math assessment and began our unit on representing numbers. We practiced how to draw base ten blocks (which is a bit tricky especially ten thousand blocks). Our learning goal was to be able to express numbers using least number of blocks and only one kind of block.

For example:
For the number 4000, using least number of blocks we would use 4 thousand blocks.
But we can also express it using other blocks.
4000 = 40 hundreds
4000 = 400 tens
4000 = 4000 ones

57 900
Least number of blocks would be 5 ten thousands, 7 thousands, 9 hundreds
57 900 = 579 hundreds
57 900 = 5790 tens
57 900 = 57 900 ones

Practice questions grade 4
Express using least number of blocks
Express using only 1 kind of block

800, 7300, 5000, 9580

Practice questions grade 5
Express using least number of blocks
Express using only 1 kind of block

70 000, 56 800, 31 000, 20 000

We will continue working on this learning goal tomorrow. Do you see a pattern? Use a place value chart to help:

Image result for place value chart to ten thousands

Physical Education
We had lots of fun playing "caterpillar" in gym class. Great teamwork!
Cross Country practice tomorrow.

"All About Me T-Shirts" are looking fabulous. You will be given more time to complete them tomorrow. 

  • Return student verification forms as soon as possible.
  • Book for silent reading
  • Indoor shoes