Saturday 7 September 2019

Image result for grit acronym
The learning goals on Friday:

  • Representing numbers using thousands, hundreds OR tens (grade 4).
  • Representing numbers using ten thousands, thousands, hundreds OR tens (grade 5).

Many students found this lesson very challenging. Let's take a closer look.....

Grade 4, on your place value chart:

So if 1000 = 10 hundreds and 1 hundred = 10 tens..... then 1000 = 100 tens

You can use this information to RENAME a number different ways.

8000 = 8 thousands
8000 = 80 hundreds because 1 thousand = 10 hundreds
8000 = 800 tens because 1 thousand = 100 tens

How about 3600?

Can we RENAME 3600 as thousands? No. Why? We know that 1000 is 10 hundreds. 3600 has 6 hundreds which is less than a whole thousand.. But can we rename it as hundreds or tens? Let's see...

If 3600 = 3000 + 600
3600 = 30 hundreds + 6 hundreds = 36 hundreds because 3000 = 30 hundreds

3000 = 300 tens
600 = 60 tens
3600 = 360 tens

Some of you saw a pattern with zeros which is great, but you must understand WHY there is a pattern.When we move on a place value chart it is a factor of 10. If you move two places it is a factor of 100.

Grade 5, on your place value chart:

10 000 = 10 thousands
10 000 = 100 hundreds
10 000 = 1000 tens

40 000 = 40 thousands
40 000 = 400 hundreds
40 000 = 4000 tens

What about 58 000. Can you RENAME 58 000 as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds or tens?

58 000 = 50 000 + 8000

8000 is less than 10 000 so you cannot name it as ten thousands.

50 000 = 50 thousands
8000 = 8 thousands

so 58 000 = 58 thousands

50 000 = 500 hundreds
8000 = 80 hundreds

so 58 000 = 580 hundreds

50 000 = 5000 tens
8000 = 800 tens

so 58 000 = 5800 tens

I think the best way for you is to decompose the number or write the number in expanded form (place value). Then RENAME each place.

Can you rename 4520 as thousands, hundreds OR tens?

4520 = 4000 + 500 + 20

You can't rename it as thousands because 500 is less than 1000
You can't rename it as hundreds because 20 is less than 100
But you can rename it as tens.
4000 = 400 tens + 50 tens + 2 tens which is 452 tens

Can you rename 67 800 as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds OR tens?

67 800 = 60 000 + 7000 + 800

You can't rename it as ten thousands because 7000 is less than 10 000
You can't rename it as thousands because 800 is less than 1000

But you can rename it as hundreds OR tens.
67 800 = 600 hundreds + 70 hundreds + 8  hundreds which is 678 hundreds

67 800 = 6000 tens + 700 hundreds + 80 tens which is 6780 tens


__000 can be RENAMED as thousands, hundreds OR tens
__ __ 00 can be RENAMED as hundreds OR tens
__ __ __ 0 can be RENAMED as tens


__ 0 000 can be RENAMED as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds OR tens
__ __ 000 can be RENAMED as thousands, hundreds OR tens
__ __   __ 00 can be RENAMED as hundreds OR  tens
__ __   __ __ 0 can be RENAMED as tens


Rename as thousands, hundreds OR tens.
5000, 320, 9100, 700, 4003

Rename as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds OR tens.
90 000, 43 000, 5090, 67 300

Here's the link to the digital game:

Make sure you complete Your Turn questions.

On Friday we completed Day 3 and Day 4 of our mentor sentence. Everyone had some great ideas. On Day 3 we changed the words to made the sentence sound more descriptive.We brainstormed better words for cold and words to describe hands.

Instead of "Sarah's hands were cold and clammy," some of you wrote "Sarah's chubby hands were frigid and clammy".

On Day 4 we keep the structure of the sentence the same, but change the meaning. Again lots of super ideas using our Book of Lists.

___________ _________ were / was _____________ and ________________.

Mrs. Hollis' tired feet were sweaty and stinky.

You will be given one more period to finish your reading or math assessment.

Complete the sketch or your t-shirt for homework. You will have time throughout the week to colour it.

Social Studies
We will begin our first Social Studies unit next week. These people may pop up during our discussions. Do you know who they are?

Image result for federal election canada candidates 2019

Learning Skills
Image result for butterfly chrysalis

Here is the video clip with the story of the butterfly. Watch closely with a parent. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE? There are some difficult words such as prosperity which means having enough money to lead a good life.


  • Gym clothes for cross country practice on Monday (weather permitting).
  • Don't forget to check your job for the week especially if you are share a book, researcher, comedian, secret admirer or current events.
  • Check out the US Open Women's Tennis final @ 4:00 pm on Saturday!

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