Monday 9 September 2019

Image result for welcome to our school

Today we welcome Rhodes to our classroom. He is in grade 4 from St. Martin's. We are happy that you have joined our MIGHTY and MARVELOUS grade 4/5 class. Please make him feel welcome.
Today our mentor sentence was from the book "Enemy Pie". What is the the main idea of the story? What is the message? Remember there is more than one message.

Image result for enemy pie

Dad dished up three plates, side by side, with big pieces of pie and giant scoops of ice cream.

Some of the things we noticed:
-proper noun (Dad)
-dished (descriptive verb)
-giant (descriptive adjective)\
-ends with a period (declarative sentence / statement)

Tomorrow we we write the parts of speech.

Here is a link to the book....

We will be spiraling math this year. We will be doing several units at the same time. This week along with Numeracy, we will be delving into Data Management.

Grade 4 Math
We talked again about representing numbers using thousands, hundreds OR tens. Remember....
1000 = 1 thousand
1000 = 10 hundreds
1000 = 100 tens

Today's action task involved representing numbers as hundreds, tens AND ones. What better real-life connection than MONEY!

We do not have $1000 bills so we showed money amounts using $100 bills, $10 bills and $1 coins.

For example and iPad costs about $429. We could pay for it using the following combination of bills and coins:
Image result for ipad

$100                    $10                  $1
4                            2                     9

But we could trade $100 bill for 10 $10 bills or $10 for 10 $1 coins. We could also trade $100 for 100 $1 coins.

$100                   $10                   $1
3                           12                    9

You can keep trading bills to find MANY different combinations. Try to find at least 10 combinations for the cost of the fridge tonight.

Grade 5 Math
Grade 5s wrote an interesting question to survey another classroom. We organized information in a t-chart. Most students showed their data visually using a bar graph.

NEATNESS and ORGANIZATION are VERY IMPORTANT when graphing and displaying data using tables and charts. If I ask you to redo a table or chart don't take it personally or be upset. I just want you to do it correctly. Remember the "R" in GRIT stands for "redo if necessary".

Make sure all questions are answered in your action task.

We launched our Science unit for this term, Habitats. We talked about what a habitat provides for a plant or animal. Key information (most of you knew this information already... lots of schema).

  • Habitat is a home to a plant or animal
  • Provides food, shelter, air, space and water
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will explore habitats in our schoolyard.

Learning Skill
Our learning skill for this week is SELF - REGULATION. In the morning you will be writing a personal goal related to this learning skill in your agenda. When you set goals, make sure they are SPECIFIC. For example a self-regulation goal could be....

Work quietly during independent work during Math (no talking to neighbour).

Success Criteria:


  • Picture day forms sent home today. Payment may be made online
  • Payment for agenda $6
  • Student verification forms