Tuesday 10 September 2019

Both grades practice representing numbers using ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tends AND ones.
We practiced trading.....
1 thousand for 10 hundreds
1 hundred for 10 tens
1 ten for 10 ones

The easiest way to do this is using a PLACE VALUE CHART.

For example 56 730

 10 000

If we take one ten thousand away we would regroup is as 10 more thousands. Our new representation would be...

 10 000

Each time you regroup by giving 10 to the place to the right. You can give 100 to the place two to the right!

Sorry about the mix up with handouts. Both grades are working on Lesson 2 Action Task and Your Turn Questions. USE A PLACE VALUE CHART TO FIND THE ANSWERS!

Grade 4:

Grade 5:

Today we talked about prepositions and adverbs.

Image result for adverbs poster

Today we looked at different habitats in our schoolyard. We took pictures of the living things (plants and animals) and the non-living things in the different habitats. We will find a way to display our visual information this week. The i Pads no longer have Pic-Collage.

Social Studies
  • We began our unit on government. Key information today:
  • Canada has three levels of government: local, provincial and federal
  • Each level of government has different responsibilities
  • Leaders are chosen through elections
  • There are three indigenous peoples in Canada: Metis, First Nations and Inuit
  • We are ALL called to be responsible citizens by staying informed and getting involve with important issues, caring for the environment and voting

This week we will look at the capital cities in Canada. You must learn them!

We decorated our prayer table with sacramentals today. Do you remember what and why we put certain objects on our prayer table?

  • Cross country practice
  • T-shirt art due Friday
  • Forms and money for agenda