Wednesday 11 September 2019

Today we talked about different ways to represent a number. So far....

  • Standard Form
  • Expanded Form
  • Place Value
  • Words
  • Base Ten Blocks


Standard Form
37 156

Expanded Form Numbers
30 000 + 7000 + 100 + 50 + 6

Place Value
3 ten thousands + 7 thousands + 1 hundred + 5 tens + 6 ones

Words (How it is read)
Thirty-seven thousand one hundred fifty-six

Place Value Chart

Ten Thousands

Base Ten Blocks


When we decompose numbers (break numbers up into parts), there are MANY possibilities. For example we could have written 37 156 as 2 ten thousands, 17 thousands, 1 hundred, 4 tens, 16 ones

We also collected data today by linking paper clips. We will use this data to construct stem and leaf plots, double bars graphs on paper and using the computer.

Some great sentences today. Instead of....
Dad dished up three plates, side by side, with big pieces of pie and giant scoops of ice cream.

Dad dished up three plates, side by side, with enormous pieces of scrumptious apple pie and giant scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

At the end of the day we read "The Invisible Boy". What do you think is the message?

Social Studies
We began our discussion of the federal government today. This will give us the background information needed for the upcoming election. Do you remember the three branches of the federal government?

Video from today on levels of government:

We all could identify the one person below (British Monarch), but who is her representative, the Governor General of Canada?

Image result for canadian governor general

We talked a bit more about how a habitat provides the things a living thing needs to survive. We also talked about INTERDEPENDENCE of plants and animals. How do the plants and animals need each other? Please complete page 2 and page 3 in your duotang. Take some time and look up SPECIFIC plants and animals you might find near a pond. DON'T FORGET TO LABEL each species and answer the questions.

Find a type of SPECIALIST (not a panda or koala). What makes that plant or animal a specialist? The opposite of a specialists is a GENERALIST. Why is a specialist more likely to become EXTINCT?

  • T-Shirt due Friday
  • International Dot day on Friday. Wear your dots proudly!
  • Below is the information for your t-shirt

Image result for international dot day 2019