Thursday 12 September 2019

Today we continued to show how we can represent numbers different ways. So far....
Standard Form
Expanded Form (numerals and/or words)
Place Value Chart
Number Line
Base Ten Blocks

For example  3746  in expanded form is...

3000 + 700 + 40 + 6 or 3 thousands + 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 3 ones

Remember we can rename a  number and not change its value.

2 thousands + 17 hundreds + 4 tens + 6 ones is still 3746 in standard form.

Grade 4 Practice:
Show 6292 using base ten blocks 3 different ways.

Grade 5 Practice:
Show 72 061 using base ten blocks 3 different ways.

Remember to trade blocks to get different representations.

Grade 4 also learned how to construct a stem and leaf plot. Stem and leaf plots are a very good way to show data that has a lot of numbers.

Step 1: Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.
Step 2: Write your title. Ask yourself, what are the numbers about?
Step 3: Draw your stem and leaf plot. Make sure the stem side is smaller. There is only 1 stem but many leaves.
Step 4: Group your data to get the stems
Step 5: Write your stems on the plot
Step 6: Add your leaves

Image result for stem and leaf plots example

What is the highest mark on the Math test?
What is the lowest mark?
How many students scored 86?

Stem and Leaf plots are fun to do and interpret.

Grade 5 learned how to construct a broken line graph. Also a fun graph to construct. A broken line graph lets us see TRENDS in data. A trend tells what the data is doing. Data can INCREASE, DECREASE or STAY THE SAME.

Try answering these questions about the broken line graph:

Tomorrow we will practice constructing both types of graphs.

Some students wrote some terrific hooks and topic sentences about the school habitat they explored. 
Some students used description, a question and even onomatopoeia (sound words). 
We will continue drafting our ideas on Monday. 

Social Studies
Yes the name of our Governor General is Julie Payette. Thank you to all students who showed initiative and found out. 
Please study the provinces,territories and capital cities of Canada.
Some games to practice...

Stompin' Tom's song about the capitals:

  • Dot Day tomorrow. Wear your dots proudly!
  • Permission forms for cross country meets
  • Permission form (green)

Image result for international dot day 2019