Saturday 14 September 2019

Image result for happy weekend

We listened to the book "The Dot". A simple book with a very important message. What do you think is the message?

Congratulations on a great job with your buddies on Friday. Yes, I know some of our buddies were a little shy, but over time they will grow quite fond of you. I love how you all let them create their dots however they wanted. BRAVO!

We reviewed expanded form on Friday. When we write numbers in expanded form we write the value of each place. We can write the value using numbers or words. For your test on THURSDAY, you must be able to REPRESENT whole numbers different ways. Grade 5 your whole numbers are up to 100 000 and grade 4 your whole numbers are up to 10 000.

Example questions

1.  Express a number using base ten blocks 3 different ways. 

For the number 6521, you could draw....
6 thousands blocks, 5 hundred blocks, 2 tens blocks and 1 ones block. THAT IS THE LEAST NUMBER OF BLOCKS.
You could also draw....
5 thousand blocks, 15 hundred blocks, 1 ten and 11 ones

You just keep trading, like we did in class.

2. Express as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds OR tens.

This type of question you only use one kind of block or bill if using money. Remember the pattern we noticed...

_ 0 000 Can be expressed as 10 000, 1000, 100 or 10
_ _ 000 Can be expressed as 1000, 100 or 10
_ _   _00 Can be expressed as 100 or 10
_ _   _ _ 0 Can be expressed as 10 

3. Express the number in EXPANDED FORM.

45 028

40 000 + 5000 + 20 + 8  OR
4 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 2 tens + 8 ones

4. Write the number in standard form.

2 ten thousands, 16 tens, 8 ones

The best way to tackle this question is to use your place value chart. Put the value of each place then regroup if you have more than 9 in the place.

10 000


You could also add all the places together
20 000 + 160 + 8 = 20 168

5. A number is between 6000 and 7000. It is  closer to 7000 and has a 4 in the tens place. What could the number be? Show is on a number line.

I like to solve this kind of problem by using lines or boxes for the digits of the number. I know it has to have 4 digits and the thousands has to have a 6 because it is between 6000 and 7000.

6 __ 4 __

I know that if I put 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 in the hundreds place, it will be closer to 7000. It doesn't really matter what digit I put in the ones because it isn't worth that much. One possibility....


6. How can I pay for this camera using the greatest number of $100 bills? It costs $3250.

Well I know I can't use $100 to pay for the $50 at the end of the number so I just look at the thousands and hundreds place. 
3000 = 30 hundreds
200 = 2 hundreds

So the greatest amount of $100 bills I can use is 32.

7.  A 4-digit number can be written as tens or hundreds but not as thousands. What are two possibilities?

Again I would use lines or boxes to come up with possibilities. I know that if it can't be written as thousands it does NOT end in three zeros but if it can be written as hundreds it must have two zeros.

__ __ 0 0       

You can fill in the blanks with any digits but 0. One possibility.....


8. A number between 20 000 and 30 000 can be represented using 3 base ten blocks. What could the number be? Draw the base ten blocks.

Hmmm.... I know that if it is between 20 000 and 30 000 it has to have 2 ten thousands (that's two blocks). I can add any other block.... 1 thousand or 1 hundred or 1 ten or 1 one. Possibilities....

21 000 or 20 100 or 20 010 or 20 001

There is one more lesson I will teach on Monday about writing numbers using words. That will also be on the test. We've talked a bit about expressing numbers in words. When we express a number in words we are writing it just like we READ the number.

9. Write the number in words. 12 947

twelve thousand nine hundred forty-seven

Remember all anchor charts stay up for the test, you can use any math materials including a place value chart.

I have assigned some Mathletics tasks. To get to Mathletics.....

1. Go to the London District Catholic School Website.
2. Scroll down to the bottom to vLE and click
3. You must login using your board email which is your student (your student number is the number you use to login to computers at school. Your password is the password you use at school).
4. Scroll down to the Learning Toolkit and click on Mathletics Project.

Family Life
On Friday we talked a bit about how we are "God's Work of Art" and how God gave us people to help us on our journey through life. We met some of the students in the grade 5 class we will follow throughout the year.
Here is a link for your parent(s) to explain what we will be talking about in the first theme..

Image result for friday the 13th fear
We also talked a bit about Friday the thirteenth and the superstitions about it. Do you remember why the number 13 and Friday are considered unlucky? Here are our words.....
Fear of the number 13: triskaidekaphobia, pronounced TRIS-kye-DEK-a-FOH-bee-a.

Fear of Friday the 13th: paraskevidekatriaphobia

  • Dot art due Monday
  • Cross country practice
  • Mathletics assignments
  • Family BBQ (Food Trucks.... how cool is that!) Thursday
  • Mass on Wednesday
  • Picture day on Friday
  • Permission forms for cross country

Image result for international dot day