Monday 16 September 2019

Today we represented numbers using expanded form and words by writing cheques. Share with a parent my personal story of the university student at the bank. You may not write a cheque in the future, buy you should know how to read one. Here are the parts of a cheque:

Image result for parts of a cheque

Here is the link to video explaining how to write the cheque:

You can go online and look at different stores. Remember to include dollar amounts only but do not round numbers.  For example if something is $499.99, write your cheque for $499. Grade fours must write money amounts in the hundreds and grade fives in the thousands. If you wish, grade four you can write larger numbers. Make sure you spell numbers correctly and sign your name. Keep practicing signing your name in cursive writing. The more you practice, the more professional it will look. YOU MUST LEARN HOW TO SIGN YOUR NAME IN CURSIVE WRITING. 

Some students had difficulty logging into Mathletics.... not sure why.... if a sibling is able to login, so should you. Please make sure other people are logged out first. 

Social Studies
Please complete the fill in the blanks using pages 57 and 58 in your textbook. We talked about the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government. There is just a bit more background knowledge we need to know before we jump into the election.

Major federal political parties:

I forgot about the People's Party on your handout. 

Who was in town campaigning today?

Today we did a share response of the main idea of the book "Each Kindness". Most students had a good grasp of the message. We divide main idea into two parts. In the first part we write what the story is mostly about. In the second part we write the message or moral or big idea. What the author wants us to remember. This is our anchor chart for main idea:

What is the main idea of the book we read today, "Mr. Bear and the Bear"?

  • Permission forms for cross country meets
  • School Mass on Wednesday at St.George
  • Back to School Open House on Thursday
  • Picture Day Friday

Image result for note from the teacher

Dear Students and Parents:

Unfortunately today I walked into the room near the end of Music and French to hear both teachers discussing appropriate behaviour in class. Excessive talking during transition times WASTES instruction time. You are all MIGHTY & MARVELOUS, but some of you have difficulty self-regulating and following directions the first time they are given. These are two important rules in our classroom. 

I understand that sometimes it's hard to concentrate but you cannot affect the learning environment for other students who are trying to concentrate. 

Tomorrow in your agenda you are going to write the classroom rule that you need to work on the most. This will make the classroom a better place to learn.You will also be able to complete work which means LESS HOMEWORK!