Wednesday 30 October 2019

Make sure you correct your homework from the blog in your Math #1. Just complete 5 different ways and writing the money in numbers and words.
8 bills, 8 coins (2 coins under $1) five different ways

Finish your practice questions from your textbook.

Blog question:

Grade 4
Show $68.40 using fewest bills and coins.
Write $68.40 in words

Grade 5
Show $507.85 using fewest bills and coins
Write $507.85 in words.

More practice:

Today we talked about David, Saul and Samuel. Do you remember who is who? What promise did God make to David? Here is the review video:

Image result for david and samuel

Today we met the knight! How does the knight move in chess? Were you able to capture a knight today? Great job playing and learning chess strategy with Mr. Lee.

Related image

  • Bowling tomorrow. You must have indoor shoes.
  • Orange and black day.
  • Complete Halloween pumpkins and ice cream alliteration.
  • Be prepared to present your slide show on your assigned day.
  • Think about the animal or plant you would like to do for your adaptations poster.

Image result for orange black day