Tuesday 29 October 2019

Today you wrote an exit ticket that told me a few things....

Almost everyone can show a certain amount of money using different combinations of bills and coins. For example:

Show $201.55 three different ways

About half of you understand how to show a certain amount of money using a certain amount of bills and coins. For example:

Show $56.80 using 6 bills and 5 coins

The best way to do these questions is using a chart:






You just keep trading. I can trade 2 ten dollar bills for 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill for 2 five dollar bills, 1 quarter and 1 nickel for 3 dimes

The next question is more difficult.

What are two combinations of 4 bills and 6 coins you can use to make an amount less than $100 but greater than $20?

What is the greatest amount you can make?

What is the least?

The first part is pretty easy. Set up your chart.






The first amount is $44.50
The second amount is $71.50
There are many possibilities.

The greatest amount.... think about the bills that are worth the most.
The most $50 bills is 1
The most $20 bills is 2
That's $90.00 so far. I have one more bill. $10 bill puts me over $100, so I have to use a $5 bill.

I have $95.00 and how many cents? This is where guess and test works well. You may think using toonies would be a good idea. Let's try it 2 toonies, 3 quarters, 1 dime.

The greatest amount is $99.85

Am I right?? I don't know.... double check!

What do you think is the least amount? Remember your amount must be larger than $20.

Make sure you get your assessment folder signed. Tomorrow we will talk about the tests. We will revisit patterning at the end of the term especially shape patterns.

Thank you to the students who presented today. Don't forget to include a description of the habitat where your food chain can be found, classification of your living things, arrows to show flow of energy and adaptations. Use the success criteria posted on the blog on the weekend.

Habitats test next Thursday (not Halloween).

Sorry for the late post.... the volleyball game went late tonight!