Monday 28 October 2019

Everyone seems to be very good at representing money.....BRAVO.

Here is the question we did not complete from this morning. Please complete in your yellow math notebook.

An amount of money is worth more than $100.
It is shown with eight bills and eight coins.
    It uses only these bills: $100, $20, $10, and $5.

    It uses only these coins: $1, 25¢, 10¢, and 5¢.
•    At least two coins are worth less than $1.

Write five possible amounts of money. Don't forget the total amount of each combination.
Write the GREATEST amount and the LEAST amount.

Write each money amount in words (7). For example:

$372.95: three hundred seventy-two dollars and ninety-five cents

Habitats test on Thursday, November 7th.

Share with a parent about those tiny little mites that live in carpets. What is their food source?

Image result for carpet mites

Today everyone received a letter from a pen pal from Our Lady Immaculate in Strathroy. On the letter you received:

Jot down the answers to questions

Think of something you would like to share with him or her including:

  • what we are studying in school, activities that are going on in the school, something about life at St. Nicholas
  • personal tidbit(s) of information about you (e.g. hobbies, likes, favourites etc.)

Think of a joke to tell your pen pal (Halloween perhaps) or a fascinating fact.  

Tomorrow we will have one period on the computer to type out our letter using correct letter format. You do not have to complete this task for homework, just brainstorm the ideas you would like to write about.

Image result for letter format friendly


  • Library and Phys. Ed tomorrow
  • Share your slide show with me. Many students have not shared their slide show. It doesn't matter if you're not presenting, you must still share the file with me.