Saturday 26 October 2019

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Take a moment this weekend to go over the success criteria for your slideshow. I'll have a sign up sheet in the class. We will start presentations on Tuesday.

Science Success Criteria:
  •  I can create a food chain that shows the flow of energy.
  • I can classify each living thing in my food chain as a producer, consumer (primary, secondary, tertiary) or decomposer.
  • I can classify consumers as herbivores, omnivores or carnivores.
  • I can identify and describe the habitat (e.g. vegetation, climate, location) where my food chain can be found.
  • I can identify and describe adaptations (behavioral or physical) that help each living thing in my food chain survive in the habitat.
 Media (Google Slide Show) Success Criteria:
  •  I can use photographs and other visuals effectively to show the living things in my food chain, the habitat where it is found and the flow of energy.
  • I can use a variety of transitions and animations to add interest to my slideshow.
  • I can use font (colour, size and type) to clearly communicate the information in my slideshow.
  • I can organize my slideshow creatively so that the information is clear and easily understood.
Oral Communication Success Criteria:
  • I can speak naturally to the class with good volume and expression.
  • I can talk to the class about the information in my slideshow without reading from the slides.
  • I can make eye contact with the audience.
We will be having a Science Test soon. 
Please start reviewing your notes.
Image result for habitats