Wednesday 23 October 2019

Last patterns test tomorrow. The focus will be making shape patterns using number patterns and using shape patterns to show number patterns.


Start at 4 add three each time, might look like:

You must add to the shape before THE SAME WAY (number and position) in order for it to be a shape pattern.

Another example of a growing pattern that grows by a different amount:

Image result for growing shape patterns
The number pattern with this shape pattern:
Start at 1 add 2, then 3, then 4 and so on

Homework question for tonight:
Grade 4: Draw bills and coins to make $67.80 using least number of bills and coins
               Make the same amount 2 other ways
Grade 5: Draw bills and coins to make $307.65 using least number of bills and coins
               Make the same amount 2 other ways


Here is another game for money practice:

More money practice:
Social Studies
We discussed the trends on the electoral map. One conclusion you should have made by now is that Canadians vote very regionally. Share with a parent some of the conclusions we made.

Image result for canada election map 2019

Look at the map of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). The map above is much better than the one in your duotang. How many seats did the Liberal Party win in the GTA?

Can't wait to see your pumpkin line art......

You can have the weekend to put the finishing touches on your slide show. We will start presentations tomorrow.

Today you were introduced to a new chess piece..... the King!


  • "Ketchup" tomorrow: pastel art, uniqueness wheel, ice cream alliteration
  • Off-uniform tomorrow
  • Halloween family dance tomorrow..... don't forget to record your song selections on the board
  • PD Day Friday
  • Return your Big Box of Cards fundraiser when you are finished selling cards
  • Still looking for missing green shirts, bowling forms and Fanshawe Conservation money
  • Assessment folder signed by a parent after you set a goal or next step

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