Wednesday 16 October 2019

Today we worked with Pattern Rules. Remember, when writing pattern rules you must write the starting number and how it grows (increases) or shrinks (decreases).

We found out today that when our pattern rule involves multiplication is gets REALLY LARGE very quickly. Similarly, when we divide, our pattern gets REALLY SMALL  very quickly.

When you do your homework make sure you show the numbers in your pattern. Organize the numbers in a t-chart. The blog question was done very well yesterday. Bravo!

Both grades have Your Turn Question.
Grade 4: Applying Pattern Rules
Grade 5: Creating Pattern Rules

In Religion we began our studying the history of our faith as told in the stories of the Old Testament. Today we talked about the story of Adam and Eve. God gave Adam and Eve the gift of life and free will. Unfortunately Adam and Eve used their free will to make an unwise choice. When we use our free will to make bad decisions, there are consequences.

The stories that we will study are meant to teach and instruct. They are not meant to be historically stories. The message of the story is what is most important.

Share with a parent the story of Adam and Eve. Think about these questions.....

Why did God give people free will?
What are the consequences of sin?

Here are the links to the videos we watched. The second link requires a user name and password. Let me know if they work.
User Name: ldcsb
Password: Student99

Image result for adam and eve for kids

Social Studies
We reviewed and discussed the homework sheet. We tried to count the ballots but.... OOPS! We had some technical difficulties. Recount tomorrow.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the page about the riding of London West. Excellent ideas about issues important for people in the area including....

  • Affordable housing
  • Global warming
  • Economy / jobs
  • Childcare
  • Environment
  • Taxes
  • Transportation
  • Pharma-care

Education and Healthcare came up as well. Those two areas are primarily part of the responsibilities of PROVINCIAL or TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS.

Learning Skills
Image result for independent work

Our focus this week is independent work. The key words in the overall learning goal is following instructions, best effort and complete tasks.
  • I stay focused on a task without teacher supervision.
  • I follow instructions and understand what I have to do.
  • I know what to do when I finish my work.
  • I use feedback and look for ways to improve my work.
  • I am not distracted by others or objects in the classroom.
Our first chess lesson today with Mr. Lee was AWESOME.
The focus today was pawns. How do pawns move? How do pawns capture? What happens when you get a pawn to the other side of the chess board? What does En-Passant mean?

Here's a review video:

The history of the chess pieces was fascinating. Do you remember the history behind the bishop and the knight?
Image result for chess lessons clipart

  • Halloween bowling permission form and money
  • Phys. Ed clothes for tomorrow