Thursday 17 October 2019

Today we worked together to follow pattern rule and create shape patterns to match pattern rules. When we write pattern rules to math shape patterns, you need to be more descriptive. A person should be able to make the shape pattern from your rule. Using counters with two colours helps show how many is added each time and where you add each time.

In the pattern above you might write the shape pattern rule:
Start with one tile, add one tile to the right and one tile to the bottom each time.

If you were just asked to write the number pattern rule:
Start at 1 add 2 each time.

Please finish Mathletic Assignments

Math game links (there are two games!):

Let me know if you can link to these games. The link address is usually longer....

We talked about the story of Noah today. Generations (hundreds and hundreds of years after Adam and Eve), the people were making sinful choices so God decided to wash away all the wicked people. But God saw that Noah had a good heart so he saved his family and told Noah to build a big ark. God made a COVENANT with Noah. A covenant is a special promise between God and His people. God promised to never destroy the world again. A sign of his covenant is the rainbow.

A few cartoons to review the story. The one we watched in class is very good. The summary at the end is AWESOME.

Image result for noah's ark

Next up is Abraham!

Social Studies
The results are in for the class and it was a close race. Using first past the post, the Conservative candidate was victorious (13 votes for Conservative, 8 votes Green, 4 votes NDP, 2 votes Liberal and 0 votes PPC). When we went to ranked voting because the needed 14 votes for a majority, the Conservative candidate won again (14 Conservative, 13 Green). Notice how all the second votes of the Liberal and NDP went to the Green Party except 1. Interesting.....

Tomorrow is our school election...... I wonder who will win??? The Green Party is gaining momentum.

Bird and beaks today. Please finish the handouts on the functions of beaks using the website below. Without a WiFi connection it is very difficult for us to use the laptops in the classroom. Hopefully they will fix the situation soon.

Skip the last bird on page two.

Slide shows are due next Friday. I will give you the lunch hour to finish slide shows next week. Some of you are having difficulty getting onto the VLE at home.

Remember..... go to ldcsb, click students, click VLE, your login is your email which is your, your password is probably hello.

If is important for future assignments that you learn how to go onto your Google account at home. Remember if someone is logged into a Google account, they must logout so you can login.

Spirit Day
You are welcome to wear St.Nicholas Spirit Wear tomorrow with off-uniform pants (sweatpants, jeans etc.) St. Nicholas Spirit Wear is anything with a St. Nicholas logo. This is of course optional. You can wear your regular uniform if you wish.


  • Permission forms for Halloween bowling.
  • Still missing green Nighthawk shirts.
  • Try to keep the floor tidy. It was in really bad shape tonight. If something spills, let me know.