Monday 18 November 2019

Fractions test on Wednesday. Please check the weekend post for review. Don't forget to play your review game. Put the cards in the baggie you were given at school. We may have a few minutes to play at school tomorrow. Remember when writing your representations on the chart paper, use LARGE printing.

Today we talked about human changes. What were the eight ways humans can change habitats? Can you think of any other ways humans change habitats? How do you think plants and animals are affected by these changes?

What kind of changes have happened in the area surrounding St. Nicholas?

Make sure you finish your adaptations poster. There are still 10 incomplete posters.

Today we reviewed the covenants of the Old Testaments. Next we will link the covenants between the prophets of the Old Testament to the new covenant God established with Jesus.

Try to find out the names of different Old Testament Prophets. We are going to do a bit of research on a prophet from the Old Testament.

Reading test tomorrow. Make sure you understand your book and have practiced reading it OUT LOUD. The test will be the same format as the test before.


  • Mathletics assignments
  • Picture retakes tomorrow. We will take our class picture tomorrow.
  • Gifts for the St. Nicholas Giving Tree