Tuesday 19 November 2019

Fractions test tomorrow.
Grade 4:

  • Represent fractions on a number line, as part of a whole or part of a set
  • Know how to write a fraction in words
  • Know how to count by unit fractions (e.g. 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 4/3) to a certain number
  • Compare fractions to benchmark numbers 0, 1/2 and 1
  • Label fractions on a number line
  • Explain the meaning of the numerator and denominator
  • Compare fractions by looking at the relationship between the numerator and denominator e.g. which fraction is close to 1/2? 6/8 or 14/29

Grade 5

  • Represent proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line, as part of a whole or part of a set
  • Know how to write a fraction or mixed number in words
  • Count by unit fractions
  • Label fractions on a number line
  • Explain the meaning of the numerator and denominator
  • Compare fractions by looking at the relationship between the numerator and denominator e.g. which fraction is close to 3/4? 2/11 or 17/20
  • Write mixed numbers as improper fractions
  • Write improper fractions as mixed numbers
  • Write a mixed number or improper fraction between two whole numbers e.g. write an improper fraction between 3 and 4 with a denominator of 8

Study from your yellow duotang, green math notebook, blog and Mathletics. Don't forget to play the games! A new game this evening.

Only 9 students completed their homework from the weekend.

Today we continued our discussion of ways in which humans affect habitats. The class was divided into 5 groups for a debate. A developer was planning to build low-income housing needed in a community. The housing, near a lake, will disrupt certain habitats. Each group must debate the issue though the eyes of one of the following.....

  • The farmer who wants to sell the land
  • The developer who wants to build the housing
  • The homeless families
  • The ecologist
  • The families with cottages in the area
Don't just think of arguments for your position, think of what arguments other groups will have and think of  way to rebuttal their position.

You will be given a bit of extra time to finish your reading test tomorrow.

  • Adaptation posters
  • Gifts for St. Nicholas Giving Tree
  • $4 for Art Program