Monday 4 November 2019

Please show your representing money homework to your parents to sign. It is important that corrections are completed. Bring home your textbook or duotang to correct. You will keep making the same errors if you do not correct your work.

Today we began with fractions. Some students have a bit more background knowledge than others. That's okay.... we will go nice and slow.

Important ideas for today....
  • There are three parts to a fraction, the numerator, denominator and fraction bar which is really a division sign.

Image result for parts of a fraction
  • A fraction is part of a whole.
  • A unit fraction is a fraction with a numerator of 1
  • We can show fractions on a number line. This was the most difficult. We used a living number line today. We placed different fractions less than 1 on a number line.
Just like we divide rectangles and circles into equal parts to show fractions, we can divide a number line into unit fractions. The number below is divided into halves.

Practice dividing the number line into thirds, fourths, fifths and sixths.

Remember the divisions must be equal.

Money game sent home today to practice counting and representing money amounts.

Tomorrow we will have reading groups. DO NOT FORGET YOUR BOOK AT HOME. After you read your book with your group, you will write a test with 10 multiple choice questions and a written questions asking you to list the characteristics of a narrative and give an example from the story "Dictionary Dave".

Habitats tests on Thursday. Please study from your duotang and the textbook. The blog post on the weekend listed the information you needed to know. Today we discussed the feet adaptations of birds. It's amazing how animals have evolved to be able to survive in their habitats. What kind of birds have these feet?

Image result for bird feet

We continue with food chain slide show presentations throughout the week.


  • Big Box of Card campaign has finished. Please return order form.