Saturday 14 December 2019

Image result for third week of advent
Angle test on Wednesday.
Grade 4:

  • KNOW YOUR BENCHMARK ANGLES (half-right, right, straight)
  • Describe angles using benchmark angles e.g. greater than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle
  • Describe INTERIOR angles of polygons (pattern blocks) using benchmark angles

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The triangle has 3 equal angles that are larger than a half-right angle but smaller than a right angle
The hexagon has 6 equal angles that are larger than a right angle but small than a straight angle

  • A half right angle is 45 degrees
  • A right angle is 90 degrees
  • A straight angle is 180 degrees

  • You should also be able to determine which benchmark angle is closest to a particular angle e.g. in the triangle are the angles closer to a half right or right?
  • You should be able to look at a polygon and mark the right angles
  • Construct (draw) angles without a protractor 

e.g. what would 3/4 of a right angle look like? Draw an angle that is 3 half-right angles. Draw an angle that is 2 right angles. Draw an angle that is 1/4 a right angle

  • Practice dividing right angles in half and fourths. Practice dividing straight angles into fourths and eighths
Grade 5
  • Measure angles and interior angles of polygons using a protractor
  • Construct angles using a protractor
  • Classify angles as acute, obtuse, right, straight.
  • Compare angles to benchmark angles
  • Draw polygons with given angle measures e.g. construct a polygon with more than 4 sides with angles of 75 degrees and 25 degrees
  • Use one angle to construct another angle e.g. use a 65 degree angle to construct a 25 degree angle or use a 60 degree angle to construct a 120 degree angle. Remember the angle measure of your benchmark angles.
  • Construct approximate angles and explain your strategy. Without a protractor, what would an 80 degree angle look like?
Playing the angle games posted last week will help you picture the size of angles.

If you were given a reading on Friday, PLEASE PRACTICE READING THE WORDS OVER AND OVER so you feel confident when reading at church next week. There are many things to carry to the altar for students who did not wish to reading at mass.

Don't forget to say the Christmas Novena prayer for your Advent intention each day this weekend.

St. Andrew Christmas Novena
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment 
in which the Son of God was born 
of the most pure Virgin Mary, 
at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. 
In that hour, promise, O my God, 
to hear my prayer and grant my intention, 
through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ,
and of His Blessed Mother. 

Our habitats are done! They look wonderful... in the new year we will share your hard work with some of the younger classes. A big part of your mark in the information you wrote on your sheet. Because the animal was constructed at home, I am primarily marking the adaptations and characteristics of your animals.

Christmas Craft Day
Our Christmas Craft Day is scheduled for Tuesday. Parents / grandparents who are handy with a hot glue gun are welcome to help out!


  • Mathletics assignments
  • Posters are past due. Please come see me if you are having difficulty with your prophet poster. 
  • Please remember to be respectful to teachers and your peers in the classroom. Speaking out, even if your comment or question is good, or using unkind words, are impolite, disrespectful and unacceptable. It reflects poorly on you, the class and the school (e.g. visitors in the classroom). The actions of a handful of students are impacting negatively on the classroom learning environment. ALL of you identified at the beginning of the year that a quiet environment was best for learning.
  • Please think about the meaning of the posters below....
Related imageImage result for poster is it kind is it