Grade fours continued to identify properties of quadrilaterals. A few new properties.....- Lines of symmetry (number)
- Diagonals (equal or unequal)
Other properties include....
- Equal sides
- Parallel sides
- Right angles
- Draw an example using a ruler
- Label equal sides, right angles, lines of symmetry and parallel sides using the correct symbols
- Name the quadrilateral (all possible names)
- List the properties you labeled in words
- 4 equal sides
- 4 lines of symmetry
- 4 right angles
- Opposite sides parallel
- 2 equal diagonals
Once again we talked about John the Baptist. What happened to John once he showed everyone Jesus?
What was the main idea of the Gospel reading? Why did John send his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah they had been waiting for? Why was Jesus not what the Hebrew people expected?
Social Studies
Today we began to discuss rights and responsibilities. What are rights?
Rights are things to which you are entitled or allowed; freedoms that are guaranteed.
Here is the link we watched in class:
What rights do you have as a student at St. Nicholas? With rights come responsibilities. What responsibilities do you have with respect to those rights? We will continue our discussion tomorrow.
- Christmas Craft day for us tomorrow. You don't need to bring anything to school. Just a smile and some Christmas spirit.
- Intermediate garage sale on Wednesday. Bring your loonies and toonies to buy some great Christmas presents!
- Off-uniform day on Wednesday
- Angle test on Wednesday
- Red and green day on Friday