Tuesday 10 December 2019

Today we practiced drawing triangles with specific side lengths and angle measures. Constructing and classifying triangles is a grade five expectation. If you were having some difficulty constructing the triangles grade fours, don't worry too much.

Complete extra practice drawing triangles in your textbook.

Step 1: Draw the given length of line.
Step 2: Label the length
Step 3: Measure the given angle
Step 4: Construct angle

If only one side length and one angle measure is given, then just connect the angle lines to make a triangle. If another angle measure is given...

Step 5: Measure the other angle on the other side of the horizontal line.
Step 6: Extend the lines until they meet

Follow the example in your textbook.

Grade fours we continue to talk about comparing angles to our benchmark angles, half-right, right and straight angles. Some students are still having difficulty deciding which angles a given angle is between. Once again an angle is .....
  • Less than a half-right angle
  • Half-right angle
  • Less than a right angle but greater than a half-right angle
  • Right angle
  • Less than a straight angle but greater than a right angle
You do not have to classify angles in grade four (i.e. acute and obtuse).

Homework Grade 4:

Draw an angle that is......

a) Less than a half-right angle
b) Less than a straight angle but greater than a right angle
c)  Less than a right angle but greater than a half-right angle

Compare these angles to benchmark angles.

Students are slowly revising their story about life as an inanimate object. Tomorrow you will be given your next writing assignment because some students are ready to move on!

I will check project outlines first thing tomorrow morning. Make sure your outline is neat and organized because it is included in your assessment. Keep collecting your materials.

Learning Skills
Several students are having difficulty with self-regulation. Reminders were given to work quietly, listen to instructions, not interrupt and transition quietly this week. Your behaviour affects the learning environment. If you are having difficulty concentrating during independent work periods, ask to go for a walk or get a drink from the water fountain or read quietly. I can only answer one question at a time and help one student at a time.

Social talking is an inefficient use of class time.

It is important that you respond appropriately when the chimes ring:

Image result for chimes

  • Christmas concert tomorrow
Image result for christmas concert