Monday 9 December 2019

More practice measuring and constructing angles. Please make sure you correct your homework. Many students were using the wrong scale and drawing incorrect angles. If you are asked to construct an  angle with a measure of 70 degrees it should look like an acute angle.

Here is the creature assignment to be done on the PINK PAPER. Make sure your creature is large. It is difficult to measure angles in small shapes.

Write the acute angle measure INSIDE THE POLYGON. Remember a polygon is CLOSED and has STRAIGHT SIDES. Draw your creature using a RULER. If you have not bought a clear, plastic ruler, I would strongly recommend purchasing one. You can get them at the Dollar Store. They are very good for drawing lines. Much better than the wooden rulers. Wooden rulers are good for measuring.

Action Task: (both grades)
1. a) Create a creature with polygons for its head, body, legs, and arms.
Each polygon body part needs to contain at least two acute angles.
Each polygon body part should look different.

b) Choose two acute angles from each polygon.
Estimate the measures of the angles.
Then check using a protractor.

2. What was your largest angle? What was your smallest angle? How far apart in size are they?

Grade 4 make sure you finish Your Turn Questions (Lesson 2) and have a parent sign your homework.

Grade 5 make sure you finish Your Turn Questions (Lessons 1 and 2) and have a parent sign your homework.

We will have a test on angles next week.

We finished our discussion on how we use plants and animals. This concludes our Habitat unit. Complete the last handout using your textbook as a reference. If your group hasn't decided on a survey question, make sure you talk about it a recess tomorrow.

Your focus this week is your project. Your plan should be mapped out by Wednesday at the latest. Those students who were away on Friday have until Thursday. See the post on the weekend for idea.

During the second week of Advent we talk about John the Baptist. Who was John the Baptist? This is the video we watched in class about John:

He was a bit of an odd character.
Image result for john the baptist movie

John's job was to tell people to get ready for Jesus. He is the perfect prophet to talk about because during Advent we get ready for Jesus' coming in our hearts. John told everyone to repent and turn to God. Who did he call a "brood of vipers"? Why?
John quoted the famous words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah:

Image result for prepare the way of the lord

How do we make Jesus' path straight? Hmm...... think about that one!
What else did John do to the people who believed his message?


  • Phys. Ed tomorrow. Make sure you have RUNNING SHOES at school.
  • Christmas concert on Wednesday evening. So far only 4 students are unable to attend. Wear Christmas colours on top and black on the bottom.
  • Computer period tomorrow to print out assignments. Bring HEADPHONES.