Monday 13 January 2020

Today grade four reviewed multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and writing fact families using arrays. When we show multiplication using an array, we arrange the facts into rows and columns.
Image result for array math
You can use Xs or circles or squares or whatever shape, as long as the arrangement shows equal number in each row or an equal number in each column. The array above has 3 rows and 4 columns of squares for a total of 12 squares. What are the two division facts that are part of this fact family? What is the other multiplication fact?
You can also look at an array as a way of grouping. 3 rows with 4 squares in each row.

In grade five, we looked at multiplying by multiples of 10 by using a related fact and an area model.

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In the above area model, we have 20 rows of ten and 30 columns of 10
20 x 30 = 600
We use the related fact 2 x 3 = 6 to find 20 x 30 = 600 

Make sure you work through the example questions in the book.

A YouTube video gets between 50 and 70 hits in one minute. How many hits does it get in 1 hour?
Least: 50 hits x 60 minutes = 3000 hits in one hour
Most: 70 hits x 60 minutes = 4200 hits in one hour
The video gets between 3000 and 4200 hits in one hour.

It's important that you understand the meaning of the numbers you are multiplying. What do the numbers actually represent?

We also started our unit on MEASUREMENT. Today you were introduced to the metric scale.

Image result for metric number line length
Each hop on the metric number line is a factor of 10. 2 hops are 100 and 3 hops are 1000, If you are converting or changing from a larger unit to a smaller unit, then you MULTIPLY. If you are changing from a smaller unit to a larger unit then you DIVIDE.

From today's lesson you should know the following relationships:
1 cm = 10 mm
1 dm = 10 cm
1 dm = 100 mm

1 m = 100 cm
1 m = 10 dm
1 m = 1000 mm

1 km = 1000 m

The Christmas liturgical season ended with the baptism of Jesus. We are now in Ordinary Time. A few questions from today....
Why are we baptized?
Why was Jesus baptized?
What happened after John baptized Jesus?

Image result for baptism of jesus

You were given one period to research the following information about your chosen nutrient:

  • 3 different foods rich in nutrient (not all from the same food group)
  • Why does your body needs the nutrient?
  • What does your body do with the nutrient?
  • What happens to your body if you do not have enough of the nutrient or you are DEFICIENT in the nutrient? Some times the deficiency has a name, but you must understand the effects of the deficiency. For example Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy. But what happens if you get scurvy?
  • What catch-phrase you can use to get people to include that nutrient in your diet?


  • 3 times table test tomorrow
  • STUDY FOR HABITATS  and GEOMETRY. Go to weekend post for specific questions.
  • Gymnastics in Phys. Ed.tomorrow. Make sure you have proper gym clothes.