Saturday 11 January 2020

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Starting on Monday we will be having multiplication quizzes on the basic facts. 
Monday (x 2)
Tuesday ( x 3)
Wednesday (x 4)
Thursday (x 5)

Review questions to be completed in your blue or pink operations notebook:
1. Using a place value chart, show why 3400 ÷ 100 = 34

2. Using a place value chart show why 670 x 10 = 6700

Quadrilateral Test Thursday (Grade 4):
  • Draw and label quadrilaterals including kites, trapezoids and parallelograms (rectangle, rhombus, square)
  • Mark properties of quadrilaterals including equal sides, parallel sides, right angles and lines of symmetry
  • Classify quadrilaterals e.g. which quadrilaterals are parallelograms?
  • Describe in words properties of quadrilaterals 
  • Sort quadrilaterals different ways using charts and Venn Diagrams

Image result for venn diagrams quadrilaterals

  • Is a square a rectangle? Why or why not?
  • Riddles e.g. I have two equal sides, 1 set of parallel sides and 1 line of symmetry. What am I? Draw the quadrilateral to show the properties.

Image result for quadrilaterals
Remember there is also a right trapezoid.

Triangle Test Thursday (Grade 5):
  • Construct triangles given one or two angle measures and one or two side lengths
  • Classify triangles according to side lengths and angle measures (e.g. equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute-angles, obtuse-angles, right-angled)
  • Understand and explain which triangles are not possible to construct (e.g. right-angled equilateral)
  • Understand and apply the sum of the angles in a triangle are 180 degrees (e.g. an isosceles triangle has an angle measure of 45 degrees, what are possible sizes of the other two angles?)

Image result for types of triangles
Polygon Test Friday (Grade 5)
  • Classify polygons as regular or irregular
  • Classify polygons as convex or concave
  • Know the properties of regular polygons
  • Know the properties of convex and concave polygons
  • Draw different types of polygons with different angle measures e.g. draw a concave quadrilateral with an angle measure of 60 degrees.
Image result for concave convex polygons
Related image
Image result for regular polygons polygons

Habitats Test (Wednesday)
Definitions (know the meaning of the following words):
  • Deciduous
  • Coniferous
  • Marsh
  • Depleted (examples)
  • Extinct (examples)
  • Invasive species
  • Population
  • Niche
  • Community

Construct a food chain and.....
  • explain the affects of removing a specifies from a food chain
  • explain the affects of adding a specifies to a food chain

Describe how the gazelle, wildebeest and zebra are all able to live on a the African savanna even though they eat the same type of grass

Describe how habitats change naturally over time
Describe how habitats change naturally but quickly
Describe how humans change habitats positively and negatively

Describe three DIFFERENT uses of plants and three DIFFERENT  uses of animals

What is an example of an invasive species in Canada? How does / did it affect the habitat?

Use the link below to help with this question:

You will be given a period with the IPads to research your chosen nutrient. Remember one nutrient is a poster and one will be a commercial. We will be working on the posters this week.

In preparation for our next topic of study in health bring in food labels with the ingredients lists from home. Look through your recycling bin over the next week. 
Examples: cereal, canned food, granola bars, snacks..... basically any processed foods.

Image result for food labels with ingredients

Everyone worked really hard to try to complete their persuasive letterS. If you have not completed a good copy, you must stay in for lunch recess to finish. Your good copy is not the typed copy. The typed copy is for display. Next week we will be working on completing a good copy of your inanimate object story. Some of you are already done this so you just need to publish it (typed copy). 

Which brings me to my next observation. Something I noticed watching you work diligently in the library. In the age of texting with thumbs, I still think it's important to learn how to type using a keyboard. Here is an great online program to do this.

Excellent job presenting your habitats to the primary students. They really enjoyed learning about your animal. You will be given your rubric back on Monday.

Stay dry and warm this weekend!
Image result for stay warm
  • Proper gym attire for gymnastics
  • Study for tests this week. Bring home necessary duotangs / textbooks
  • Mass on Thursday afternoon at St. Nicholas.