Monday 27 January 2020

Image result for m and m characters
Welcome to our Mighty and Marvelous Class Lucie!

Today we talked about different types of word problems. We worked backwards, I gave you the answer and you came up with a word problem using different operations.

For example if the answer was 200 cm

The distance between the white board and the front table is 50 cm. The distance from the front table to the front group is 150 cm. How far apart are the white board and the  front group?

150 cm + 50 cm = 200 cm

The distance from the white board to the front group is 200 cm.

Ava had a piece of ribbon 250 cm long. She cut off 50 cm to tie in her hair. How much ribbon is left?

250 cm - 50 cm = 200 cm

Ava has 200 cm of ribbon left.

Evangelos used a piece of wood 50 cm long to make a small picture frame. Olivia had a piece of wood that was 4 times longer. How long was Olivia's piece of wood?

50 cm x 4 = 200 cm

Olivia's piece of wood was 200 cm long.

Christine had 10 m of twine to make 5 identical bracelets. How much twine does she need to make each bracelets?

Step 1: Change 10 m to 1000 cm
Step 2: 1000 cm divided by 5 = 200 cm

Christine needs 200 cm of twine for each bracelet.

The last question is more common because it involves changing units before you can solve the problem. Remember to have a math sentence to show how you solved the problem (with units) and a sentence answering the question.

Please complete review questions for the test on Thursday. Grade 5 think about the number and the units before deciding on the most correct answer.

In health we began our discussion of food labels and ingredient lists. The following information can be found on a food label:

Image result for food label canada information

The ingredients list tells that amount of each ingredient starting with the ingredient with the greatest mass or weight. It also has a list of potential allergens.

Image result for ingredients list canada
Social Studies
Today some students began writing a paragraph to accompany their chosen rights from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Think about several reasons to support the importance of your chosen right.


  • P.E. tomorrow..... we continue with gymnastics. Make sure you have your gym clothes.
  • Complete nutrient poster for tomorrow.
  • We'd like to send our pen pal letters out by early next week.