Wednesday 22 January 2020

We continued practicing measuring using metres, centimetres and millimetres. We also practiced expressing measurements using different units.


452 cm = 4 m 52 cm = 4.52 m
61 mm = 6  cm 1 mm = 6.1 cm

When comparing two measurements, you must use the SAME UNITS. For example, if you were trying to determine which was larger.....

673 cm or 7 m would have to change the 7 m to 700 cm or change the 673 cm to 6.73 m. When the units are the same you can compare numbers. If they are not, then you cannot just look at the number.

Please correct / complete your Measurement booklet.

Extra Practice

What is the length of each bar. Be careful. The bar might not start at 0.

London Hydro Presentation
Some great information and safety tips given at our presentation today. Sit down with a parent and go through the safety booklet you were given. Do you remember the materials that were good conductors? Good insulators? Where is the safest place to be in a storm? 

Image result for electrical safety for kids

You are more than welcome to complete your Exit Ticket at home. If you are having difficulty with the functions of the different nutrients, you can finish that sheet up at school. There is an information sheet to help. The Exit Ticket with your favourite food is something you have to finish.

Nutrient poster is due on Tuesday. You will probably get one more computer period to finish. You are welcome to stay in at lunch recess to finish.

Social Studies
T-shirts with right from Canadian Charter of Rights is due on Monday.


  • Frozen Day tomorrow.
  • PD Day on Friday
  • Drama presentations tomorrow afternoon after French. CLICK!

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