Our Action Task today was about making large purchases for a new family settling in Canada. Some students used a flyer from the Brick, but any furniture is acceptable. We discovered a budget of $15,000 was not needed, so we are going to change it to $10,000. To make the task easier, choose about 5 purchases to make for the family. Follow the guide on the Action Task.
Estimate the total cost, then find the actual cost. When we estimate, we round numbers to the nearest $1000 or $100. You should be able to add your rounded numbers in your head to find your estimate. You may add the total using any pencil and paper strategy we discussed in class. You must show your work.
After you complete one purchase, choose 5 other items to purchase. You may choose a different bed or appliance or sofa. Repeat what you did for the first purchase two more times.
When you finish your purchases, you should have 3 different totals and 3 different estimates.
Continue with the rest of the Action Task.
Here are some links to flyers:
The Brick:
Link to Action Task:
More practice:
Today we practiced adding narrative to our dialogue sentences and changing the position of the speech tag. We placed the speech tag BEFORE the speaker's words. Some very creative ideas!
- Pen pal letters completed
- Permission form for tubing at Boler Mountain