Today's Action Task focused on writing addition and subtraction problems from addition and subtraction equations. Remember an equation is just a math sentence.
Example equations:
4092 + 3000 = 7092
- 1700
Today's learning goal was to create addition and subtraction problems from addition and subtraction equations.
We will continue practicing this skill tomorrow.
There was a math problem in the Your Turn questions last night that was VERY TRICKY! Thank you to parents who explained the answer using ALGEBRA.
We can also use a picture to show this:
So the rest of the saxophone and the clarinet are the same amount.
Step 1: Find the difference between the total cost and part of the saxophone cost.
$3314 - $2276 = $1038
Step 2: Divide the difference in half because they are the same amount.
$1038 ÷ 2 = $519 which is the cost of the clarinet
Step 3: Add the extra cost of the saxophone to the cost of the clarinet to get the cost of the saxophone.
$2276 + $519 = $2795 which is the cost of the saxophone
Step 4: Add the cost of the clarinet to the cost of the saxophone to see if the sum is $3314.
$2795 + $519 = $3314 Which is correct!
Phew..... Bravo to students who found a solution.
We will continue with our character analysis of Hannah next class. Tomorrow we meet Luba, the Angel of Bergen-Belsen.

Reforest London
Today we had a visit from Reforest London. We are part of the One Million Tree Challenge. Each student planted a white oak acorn. Do you remember why they put the acorns in water? Why did they store the acorns in the fridge in sand?
If you have a large plastic bottle at home and remember how to turn it into a water sprinkler, bring it in. We will take turns daily watering the soil.

- Report card envelopes, page 4 and interview sheets
- Valentine card exchange on Friday
- Red, white and pink day on Friday
- Tubing permission form
- Book Fair