Monday, 10 February 2020

Today we reviewed the different addition and subtraction strategies we have discussed the past few weeks. Please make sure you understand how to regroup across zeros when subtracting. Complete unfinished homework. Some students were sick, others just didn't finish. It is your responsibility to complete work. Once you finish your work, I will give you feedback and if you need help, I will be available at recesses.

Tomorrow our Action Task involves writing addition and subtraction word problems.

Key words:

Image result for addition key wordsImage result for addition key words

The focus reading strategy during this unit is MAKING INFERENCES. We talked today about ways authors reveal the personality of characters.

The author does not explicitly tell us the personality of the character, we infer his or her personality based on the above clues. The character trait is the inference. The actions, words or thoughts are the proof that allowed us to make a conclusion about the character. The last part of our answer involves explaining how the proof supports our trait. So far we have decided that Hannah is faithful, determined, courageous and hopeful. Remember, traits are not emotions. Emotions change, traits do not. We will continue writing our answer tomorrow.

Today we "launched" our new unit CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. I thought this would be a good unit in light of everything that is happening around us with respect to climate change. Conserve means to save.

Things to remember from the first lesson.....

Image result for energy definition kids

In Science, work occurs when objects move. Energy is the force that gets matter moving. There are many SOURCES of energy and many FORMS of energy.

Here are few energy sources (where the energy comes from)
Image result for energy sources

Here are a few forms of energy:

Image result for energy foms

Complete the Science handout. If you don't understand a question, make sure you ask tomorrow!
In our next lesson we will look at the different forms of energy. 

Today we tried a Kagan collaborative structure called "talking chips". It is a very good way to learn to carry on a conversation with a group without interrupting and a good way to practice listening to others. We had a bit of difficulty with this structure. Many students caused interruptions by playing with their chips. Remember to SELF-REGULATE.

When we are faced with a difficult decision we should consider the following....
What does scripture tell me about my choice?
What would my family think?
What does my conscience say?
How will my choice affect others?

  • Book Fair tomorrow
  • Gym clothes for Physical Education
  • Tubing permission form
  • Report card envelopes, page 4 and interview sheets