Good Morning Mighty and Marvelous Grade 4/5!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please take a moment and offer your intentions.
Our Lenten deed today..... Tell a parent or sibling how much you love them.
Reminders:Our Lenten deed today..... Tell a parent or sibling how much you love them.

- If you have not accessed Epic Books or your Math Booklet, ask your parent to send me a message through School Messenger. They may need to send me a parent email for Epic Books.
- Also let me know if are able to access the VLE (the place where your find your Google Drive and Mathletics). If you can, you can send me your writing.
Some things you could have noticed with respect to the mentor sentence yesterday:
- declarative sentence (ends with a period)
- proper noun (Papa)
- comma to separate introductory part of the sentence (when spring came) from the main part (they helped Papa tap the maple trees and catch the sap in buckets)
- complex sentence
Day 2
When spring came, they helped Papa tap the maple trees and catch the sap in buckets.
Write your mentor sentence and identify the parts of speech (as many as you can). Here is a snip of the different parts of speech. You can just identify the verbs as just "verbs".
Here are the answers to pages 10, 11, 12 in your booklet:
For the perimeter review question the length and width combinations:
8 cm, 1 cm
7 cm, 2 cm
6 cm, 3 cm
5 cm, 4 cm
Page 13
Multiplying by 10 and 100.... this should be super easy review.
When we multiply by 10, 100, 1000 (multiples of 10) the pattern we see is adding zeros. In your booklet how you see the digits are actually moving to the left because that's what's really happening. Page 13 should be as easy as pie!
Page 14
On this page we are using related facts to find the product to a multiple of ten.
15 tens is 15 x 10 = 150 40 x 7 = 280
When you multiply by a multiple of 10 e.g. 40, 20, 70 the product (answer) must end in at least one zero.
Video link:
Just in case you've forgotten....LEARN YOUR MULTIPLICATION FACTS if you don't already know them by heart. What a perfect time to practice.
Online multiplication practice:
Pages 15 and Pages 16
Doubling... I love mental math practice. Do not use a calculator to complete any of the mental math practice. You are depriving your brain of thinking. If you can't double the entire number in your head, decompose the number (break it into parts), double each part, then add them together.
Double 18 is Double 10 + Double 8 = 20 + 16 = 36
It's okay to double in parts..... that shows you're thinking!
When you double twice, it's like multiplying by 4. When you double three times, it's like multiplying by 8. Again, don't use a calculator and try not to use pencil and paper. Use you head and check your answer with a calculator AFTER.
Let's look at these questions from the last page of your booklet:
The length of a rectangle is double its width. Find the perimeter if the width is 200 cm.
Width is 200 cm so the length is double which is 400 cm
I like to draw a picture to make sure the length and the width match the information given in the picture.
Perimeter = (200 cm + 400 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 600 cm x 2
Perimeter = 1200 cm or 12 m
The length of a rectangle is 6 times its width. Find the length and width of the rectangle if the perimeter is 7 m.
This is probably the most difficult question in both the grade 4 and grade 5 booklets (I put it in both). Remember what I asked you to say 10 times yesterday.....If you half the perimeter you get the length + width....
Right away I know because the perimeter is an odd number, I need to change it to centimetres. If I don't, I'll be working with decimals.
7 m = 700 cm
Half of 700 cm is 350 cm
Now you have to think of two numbers that add to 350 m AND when you multiply the width by 6 you get the length. Set up a chart and try some numbers.
Sum (Length + Width)
Width x 6
100 cm
250 cm
350 cm
100 cm x 6 = 600 cm
80 cm
270 cm
350 cm
80 cm x 6 = 480 cm
60 cm
290 cm
350 cm
60 cm x 6 = 360 cm
X (closer)
50 cm
300 cm
350 cm
50 cm x 6 = 300 cm
See how I adjusted my guess based on the product? The first few numbers were really far away from the length so I knew I had to make the width smaller and the length larger.
Check to make sure you're correct:
Perimeter = (300 cm + 50 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 350 cm x 2
Perimeter = 700 cm or 7 m
Complete these questions in your green math notebook:
1) The width of a rectangle is is half the length. Find the perimeter of the rectangle if the length is
80 cm.
(Remember to draw a sketch of the rectangle) and USE THE FORMULA.
2) The length of a rectangle is 5 times its width. Find the length and width of the rectangle if the perimeter is 360 cm. (Set up a chart like the one above)
Complete the following topic sentence then write a paragraph that describes in detail what happened to you. Remember to be descriptive!
By far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me was when _______________. It all started....
If you shared a document with me, I gave you some feedback. Revise it and I'll look at it again. When it's revised, I'll post it on the blog.
I was so excited to get your documents. Thank you!
Here's link showing how to draw Baby Yoda for Star Wars fans:
How to draw Harry Potter (and other Harry Potter characters):

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.