Good Morning Mighty and Marvelous Grade 4/5!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please take a moment and offer your intentions.
Our Lenten deed today..... Ask your parents for a job and do it.
Our Lenten deed today..... Ask your parents for a job and do it.

- Keep sending your writing.... I know everyone is going to love reading them.
- Keep your writing in ONE DOCUMENT so you don't need to keep sharing.
- Let me know if you can't get onto Epic Books or the VLE. The VLE is REALLY important.
- Make sure your parents check School Messenger. Important information is being shared by the School Board, St. Nicholas School and the Ministry of Education.
Please consider doing this today as a family...
Bell Work
Mentor sentence parts of speech:
(It's hard to line up the parts of speech above the word)
How can we change our mentor sentence to make it better?
Think about a synonym for came and an adjective to describe buckets.
Here are the answers to pages 13, 14, 15 and 16
Answers to questions from yesterday in your green math notebook:
1) The width of a rectangle is is half the length. Find the perimeter of the rectangle if the length is
80 cm.
If the length is 80 cm and the width is half then the width is 40 cm.
Perimeter = (80 cm + 40 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 120 cm x 2
Perimeter = 240 cm
2) The length of a rectangle is 5 times its width. Find the length and width of the rectangle if the perimeter is 360 cm.
The first step is to half the perimeter because that will give us the answer to the length + width
Half of 360 cm is 180 cm
Length Width Sum (length + width) Width x 5
100 cm 80 cm 180 cm 80 cm x 5 = 400 cm X
120 cm 60 cm 180 cm 60 cm x 5 = 300 cm X
150 cm 30 cm 180 cm 30 cm x 5 = 150 cm HOORAY!
Perimeter = (150 cm + 30 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 180 cm x 2
Perimeter = 380 cm YES!
Page 17
We have talked about this property of multiplication before. We can decompose (break a number into parts), multiply each part, then add the products. The video link from yesterday explained this property of multiplication. It's one strategy we can use to multiply larger numbers. Some of you know the standard algorithm. That's great, but I like this strategy because mental math exercise your brain!
78 x 9
Step 1: Decompose 78 into 70 + 8
Step 2: Multiply each part by 9
I like to write the question VERTICALLY so it is easier to add.
70 + 8
x 9
+ 72
But if you like to write it horizontally, that's great.
70 x 9 + 8 x 9 = 630 + 72 = 702
In your green math notebook complete these questions using the method above. For those of you who know the standard algorithm, use it to check.
Page 18
This mental math strategy uses friendly numbers to make multiplication easier then subtracting to get the correct answer.
68 x 5
70 is close to 68 so start by multiplying 70 x 5 = 350
Remember multiplication is repeated addition. So instead of adding 5 + 5 + 5 (68 times) you added it 70 times which is 2 times more so the real answer will be 5 + 5 or 10 more than 70 x 5
68 x 5 = 70 x 5 - 10 = 350 - 10 = 340
Page 19
Another mental multiplication strategy is the half / double strategy.
Let's think about it......
5 x 8 = 40 if I double the 5 and half the 8 I get 10 x 4 = 40
Pretty cool!
At the bottom or the page you keep halving and doubling until you get a double of a number. Let's try one....
8 x 26
4 x 52
2 x 104
Double 104 is 208
Knowing your doubles are really important, but knowing your halves are equally important. Any mental math strategy takes practice.
Video about halving and doubling:
A regular polygon is a polygon with ALL EQUAL SIDES and ANGLES. If a polygon is regular, how many side lengths do we need to know to find the perimeter? ONE
What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon with a side length of 30 cm?
Perimeter = 30 cm x 6
Perimeter = 180 cm
Complete these questions in your green math notebook:
Find the perimeter of the following shapes:
1) A square garden with a side length of 50 m
2) A regular octagon with a side length of 15 mm
3) A regular pentagon with a side length of 16 cm
Use the multiplication strategies we reviewed today!
Watch the following video clip "Soar":
How would you describe the girl (the big girl with the glasses) in the movie (character trait)? Remember how to structure your answer:
In my opinion I think the girl is....... I know this because (one or two examples from the movie that prove this trait). Explain the proof and add your own ideas.
Here is a list of character traits if you're stuck:
How can we change our mentor sentence to make it better?
Think about a synonym for came and an adjective to describe buckets.
Here are the answers to pages 13, 14, 15 and 16
Answers to questions from yesterday in your green math notebook:
1) The width of a rectangle is is half the length. Find the perimeter of the rectangle if the length is
80 cm.
If the length is 80 cm and the width is half then the width is 40 cm.
Perimeter = (80 cm + 40 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 120 cm x 2
Perimeter = 240 cm
2) The length of a rectangle is 5 times its width. Find the length and width of the rectangle if the perimeter is 360 cm.
The first step is to half the perimeter because that will give us the answer to the length + width
Half of 360 cm is 180 cm
Length Width Sum (length + width) Width x 5
100 cm 80 cm 180 cm 80 cm x 5 = 400 cm X
120 cm 60 cm 180 cm 60 cm x 5 = 300 cm X
150 cm 30 cm 180 cm 30 cm x 5 = 150 cm HOORAY!
Perimeter = (150 cm + 30 cm) x 2
Perimeter = 180 cm x 2
Perimeter = 380 cm YES!
Page 17
We have talked about this property of multiplication before. We can decompose (break a number into parts), multiply each part, then add the products. The video link from yesterday explained this property of multiplication. It's one strategy we can use to multiply larger numbers. Some of you know the standard algorithm. That's great, but I like this strategy because mental math exercise your brain!
78 x 9
Step 1: Decompose 78 into 70 + 8
Step 2: Multiply each part by 9
I like to write the question VERTICALLY so it is easier to add.
70 + 8
x 9
+ 72
But if you like to write it horizontally, that's great.
70 x 9 + 8 x 9 = 630 + 72 = 702
In your green math notebook complete these questions using the method above. For those of you who know the standard algorithm, use it to check.
Page 18
This mental math strategy uses friendly numbers to make multiplication easier then subtracting to get the correct answer.
68 x 5
70 is close to 68 so start by multiplying 70 x 5 = 350
Remember multiplication is repeated addition. So instead of adding 5 + 5 + 5 (68 times) you added it 70 times which is 2 times more so the real answer will be 5 + 5 or 10 more than 70 x 5
68 x 5 = 70 x 5 - 10 = 350 - 10 = 340
Page 19
Another mental multiplication strategy is the half / double strategy.
Let's think about it......
5 x 8 = 40 if I double the 5 and half the 8 I get 10 x 4 = 40
Pretty cool!
At the bottom or the page you keep halving and doubling until you get a double of a number. Let's try one....
8 x 26
4 x 52
2 x 104
Double 104 is 208
Knowing your doubles are really important, but knowing your halves are equally important. Any mental math strategy takes practice.
Video about halving and doubling:
Perimeter or Regular Polygons
Perimeter of a regular polygon = Length of side x number of sides
What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon with a side length of 30 cm?
Perimeter = 30 cm x 6
Perimeter = 180 cm

Complete these questions in your green math notebook:
Find the perimeter of the following shapes:
1) A square garden with a side length of 50 m
2) A regular octagon with a side length of 15 mm
3) A regular pentagon with a side length of 16 cm
Use the multiplication strategies we reviewed today!
Watch the following video clip "Soar":

How would you describe the girl (the big girl with the glasses) in the movie (character trait)? Remember how to structure your answer:
In my opinion I think the girl is....... I know this because (one or two examples from the movie that prove this trait). Explain the proof and add your own ideas.
Here is a list of character traits if you're stuck:

Mighty and Marvelous Authors
Cats and dogs are just fine pets for most people. If you ask me, a sugar glider would be the best pet ever. I know what you are thinking, but let me explain. Unlike dogs that need bathing and grooming, sugar gliders are clean and do not require a bath. They generally clean themselves just like cats. Another reason sugar gliders are great pets is because they eat mostly everything that humans eat including fruits, vegetables, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter etc. This means you don’t have to spend too much money on pet food. Lastly, they don’t smell or have a horrible odor like some pets do before or after baths like dogs. They are ready for cuddling anytime. With these awesome reasons, sugar gliders are the best pets ever.
By: Audrey
My Itchy Tale
By far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I ended up in the ER a few days before my birthday in August. It all started when my mom and I got back from shopping one Thursday morning for everything we needed for my birthday party. I had planned with three of my good friends to spend Saturday afternoon hiking to Cavendish Park. We had planned to have a picnic there after going to the trail and have my mom pick us up after our picnic was done. We packed watermelon, sandwiches, hot dogs, cupcakes, apples, apple pie, lemonade and water. We also had blankets, napkins, plates and cutlery. We set out at about noon with the sun shining beautifully above us and a gentle breeze that cooled us while we walked. We passed friendly people, ducks, chipmunks, squirrels, birds, geese and of course goose droppings.
We eventually got to our picnic spot and laid out our blanket. We played some card games and Jenga that we all enjoyed. We had our food, all you could hear was our munching, slurping and chomping. You could tell that we were either absolutely hungry or the food was delicious. When I called my mom to pick us up, she sighed, “I am so sorry, honey. I just had a flat tire and I am at the other end of town and won’t be able to pick you up. Are you able to walk back home?” We said yes and packed up and headed home.
Half way, we saw one of my favourite birds, the oriental dwarf kingfisher. I just had to get a picture. I moved closer to get a clear shot and BUMP! I tripped and fell into a bush. I was okay and was happy that I at least got a shot but I was a little bit itchy. We continued on our way but I couldn't stop scratching. There were rashes all over my body and I could not breathe. At that point, one of my friends called her mom and she raced over to take a look. Sure enough I had POISON IVY!!!. I spent the next two days in the hospital and was discharged just in time to attend my own birthday. I almost missed it!! I will never go close to a bush again and I never have.
By: Audrey
By far the worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I broke my ankle. It all started at the cross country race that I wasn't supposed to race, but we were in a split grade so I raced anyways. After the race, my friends and I were watching all the other races and one of my friends asked if I wanted to play tag in the open area. All my friends and I agreed with twenty minutes of playing tag. The person that was it, had a chance to get me so ran as fast as I could but I had to jump over a backpack that was just laying there. So I jumped over it and at the last minute I saw a water bottle that was just sitting there. I could not do anything but just land on it. So I did, but in a bad way. I landed on it with my ankle one way and my leg the other. When I landed on the ground I began screaming at the top of my lungs. My teacher came over and asked what happened. After I told her what happened she asked me to try and walk on it. I could not, so she carried me to my mom's car because my mom was there watching. My mom took me to the clinic and then to get an x-ray. After waiting for the results we found out it was broken. I could not play hockey for a month and that was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
By: Eli
If you ask me a dog would be the best pet for me. First, because they are very very playful. You could always play with your dog which would keep you busy if you had nothing to do. Second, if you train them well they will protect you if someone tries to hurt you or steal something from. Lastly, a dog could teach you responsibility when you take it for a walk and pick up what comes out its rear end. That is why I would prefer a dog.
By: Eli
A dog would be the best pet ever for many reasons. First, they are fun to play with because they like running, playing and jumping around. I could play tag or catch with him outside. I could also go for a walk with him to the park. Second, they are also warm and nice to hold and sleep with because they have soft fur. Lastly, when we feel sad or lonely they are always there for us because they put smiles on our faces and give us unconditional love. These are all the reasons why I would like a dog as a pet!
By: Cristiano
By far the worst thing that ever happened to me was on my eighth birthday. It all started when we went bowling for my birthday. I was bowling the best game of my life! My parents had ordered some drinks so when my turn was over I went to sit on one of those high stools that spin to drink some of my pop. When I was getting off I slipped on the metal bar under the chair. I fell and hit my chin on that same bar. At I first thought to myself that it hurt but everything was fine. Then I felt my chin and my hand got blood on it. My mom came right over and put napkins on my chin. After that we went to the clinic and I got four stitches in my chin. At the end of the night I didn't even want to eat my birthday cake. It was the day after my eighth birthday when I finally blew out the candles on my ice cream cake.
By: Maddie
I chose a cheetah as a pet. First, my pet cheetah can get to places speedy and maybe I can ride on my pet cheetah’s back. Second, my pet cheetah could eat the leftovers that I don't want or that I don’t like. Third, my pet cheetah can give me back up when I'm alone and I need someone to be with me. My pet cheetah will protect me when I'm in danger or when I need help. Those are three reasons why cheetahs are the best pet you can have.
By: Emilie
These are all the students who used my feedback and revised their writing. THANK YOU! Remember a sentence is ONE COMPLETE THOUGHT.
Keep sending them to me.... I love reading them!

The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

Here's a word search to pass the time....