In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please take a moment and offer your intentions.
Our Lenten deed today..... Say a prayer for all the sick and the health care workers who take care of them. It can be your own prayer or a "Hail Mary" or an "Our Father".
A few games to play:
What would it be like to be 8 feet or about 2.5 m tall? Write a paragraph explaining two positive and two negative consequences of being that tall. Remember to include details and examples of what your life might be like. Just a note....

Remember the structure of a paragraph:

Mighty and Marvelous Authors

Kangaroos cannot jump backwards.

Our Lenten deed today..... Say a prayer for all the sick and the health care workers who take care of them. It can be your own prayer or a "Hail Mary" or an "Our Father".

- Keep sending your writing.... I know everyone is enjoying reading them.
- Keep your writing in ONE DOCUMENT so you don't need to keep sharing.
- Let me know if you can't get onto Epic Books or the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment). The VLE is REALLY important.
Bell Work
One possible way to revise our mentor sentence.....
When spring finally arrived, they helped Papa tap the maple trees and catch the sap in metal buckets.
How can we write our own sentence using the same structure of our mentor sentence?
Because of what happened in the first part of the sentence, two other things resulted.
Here is an example:
When my dad finished the garden, we helped him water the vegetables and harvest the fruit in baskets.
Here are the answers to pages 17, 18 and 21.
Answers to questions from yesterday in your green math notebook:
58 x 3 = 50 x 3 + 8 x 3
= 150 + 24
= 174
54 x 4 = 50 x 4 + 4 x 4
= 200 + 16
= 216
48 x 8 = 40 x 8 + 8 x 8
= 320 + 64
= 384
95 x 2 = 90 x 2 + 5 x 2
= 180 + 10
28 x 2 = 20 x 2 + 8 x 2
= 40 + 16
= 56
Find the perimeter of the following shapes:
1) A
square garden with a side length of 50 m
= 50 m x 4 sides
= 200 m
2) A
regular octagon with a side length of 15 mm
= 15 mm x 8 sides
= 10 mm x 8 + 5 mm x 8
= 80 mm + 40 mm
= 120 mm
3) A
regular pentagon with a side length of 16 cm
= 16 mm x 5 sides
= 10 mm x 5 + 6 mm x 5
= 50 mm + 30 mm
= 80 mm
Page 22
The two of the most feared words in grade 4 and grade 5 math are fractions and division. I'm not sure why. Division is just the opposite of multiplication. If you know your multiplication facts division is easy.
Let's start with reviewing the definition or meaning of division. Remember there are sharing and grouping problems.
- We know the total number and the number of groups, but not the amount in each group. That's a sharing problem
- We know the total number and the number in each group, but not the the number of groups. That's a grouping problem
The three questions on page 22 should be pretty easy.
Page 23
On page 23 it asks you to draw the picture to each problem. Don't skip that step. It's important that you SEE the division problem. I know the actual quotient (answer) is easy, but this step will help you understand division.
Identifying whether it is a sharing or grouping problem will be the biggest challenge for some of you. Read the speech bubble at the top of the page.
Complete these questions in your green math notebook:
If you are able to print out the word problems, use our CUBES model for problem solving.
Write a division sentence
to solve each problem. Then write a
sentence to answer each question.
Lexie has a lot of art materials. She needs to organize all these
materials into containers.
1) She counted her crayons and found out that she has 80 crayons
which she will place in crayon boxes. Every crayon box can contain 8 crayons.
How many crayon boxes does she need?
2) 3 piles of clean white
papers were stacked in the corner of her room. She decided to place these
papers in paper envelopes which can hold 10 papers each. How many paper
envelopes does she need if she has 120 clean white papers?
3) Besides the piles of white paper was a stack of 700 sheets of
used paper. She wants to place it in boxes for recycling. If every box can
contain 100 sheets, how many boxes does she need?
4) Lexie’s spent 2 hours gathering all of her watercolor
paintings. She thought of placing an equal number of paintings in four of the
rooms in the house. If Lexie has 32 watercolor paintings, how many paintings
will be placed in each of the four rooms?
Sometimes we have use a bit of detective work to find the lengths of unlabeled side lengths of an irregular polygon so we can find the perimeter.
Find the perimeter of the following shapes in your green math notebook.

Cats and dogs are just fine pets for most people. If you asked me, a lion would be the best pet ever. I know what you are thinking, but let me explain. First, you can raise it like a cat when it's little. Then it will get used to you and will guard you when it's older. Second, when it grows to be a strong lion you can ride it and it will hide you from predators. Last of all you can feed it things you don't like and he will always be your buddy.That's why a lion would be the best pet for me.
By: Dominika
The Stinky Day (True Story)
By far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I had to change my sister's diaper. It all started when I was three years old. I really wanted to change my sister's diaper, but it turned out it was super stinky! After I was done I threw it in a bag of other stinky diapers. I never knew it would be that bad. Who knew what would be waiting for me in that diaper. I told my mom that it was the worst thing. Then I asked my mom, “What was your worst thing with me?” She said that one day, when I was a year old, she went to a party and she had to bring me with her. So she washed me and cleaned me. I was hungry, so my mom gave me some peaches and she went downstairs. Then my mom said that when she came up, she was horrified. I had smashed them. My whole face, my hair, my hands and my feet, were covered with squashed peaches. My mom said she had to rush to wash me and clean me. After she finished her story, I went to bed, until I woke up to a loud sound. I was shocked. It was the fire alarm! I started crying. Then my mom came up and said that it was only those stinky diapers that made the fire alarm beep. I was shaking, but after, I calmed down. My mom told me that tomorrow was garbage day and she would throw out the diapers. The next day I was happy that those diapers were gone. No more sounds interrupting my sleep. And from that day on, I don’t like diapers.
By: Dominika
By far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I dislocated my elbow. It all started when my neighbour Kate pushed me off the trampoline. I was supposed to go to gymnastics but that day I didn't. When she accidentally pushed me off I was in shock and I could not move my left arm so then my mom took me to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room for about 30 minutes to an hour but my best friend was there. It turned out that her sister was getting her tonsils taken out. They finally called my name about 45 minutes after we got to the hospital.They said Claire then they took me back and I was so nervous. It turned out it wasn't that scary. They just took my temperature and gave me some Tylenol or Advil. I'm not too sure which one they gave me then she asked me if I wanted a sling and I said yes. The lady brought the pre-op room. They put an IV in my arm. My Dad bought Tim Hortons. I played games on my iPad and played Tic-Tac-Toe with my mom and dad until 10:00 pm and then they wheeled me to the operating room. All I remember is them saying take three deep breaths and waking up in the hospital bed with a cast on my arm and my family staring at me.
By: Claire
Cats and dogs are just fine pets for most people. If you ask me, a giraffe would be the best pet ever. I know what you are thinking, but let me explain. Giraffes are tall, fast, and don’t sleep a lot. First, the fact that giraffes are tall is good because my giraffe can get me food from up high, and my giraffe can also put stuff up high. Second, giraffes are really fast. This is good because if my siblings are not ready for school and we are going to be late I can just ride my giraffe to school. I can also have a race against my sisters and their pets. Third, giraffes only sleep for 4 hours a day. This is awesome because I can play with my giraffe for longer, that way it does not sleep for the whole day. Then when would I play with it? Now, don’t you think a giraffe would be the best pet because it is tall, fast, and doesn't sleep a lot?
By: Brynlee
It all started at the mall, when I was 4 years old. My whole family was going in a store near an escalator, and I didn’t want to go in the store that my family was going in. So I decided to run away by myself. Then I was curious what the escalator was so I went on it and grabbed on the side of the escalator. As I was going up high and I screamed, “Mommy! Daddy!” I started crying. My dad came and yelled, “Jump! You have to jump.” I did jump and luckily my dad was strong enough to catch me. So I was saved by my strong dad. That’s the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
By: Emilie
In my opinion I think the girl is sweet. I know this because she helped out the little man and did whatever she could to get him flying. That eventually paid off and got the boy back up in the air. Also she gave the boy the plane that she was working on even though it did not work out.
By: Eli
In my opinion, I think the girl is determined. I know this because in the story the girl tried so many times to get her aircraft working, you could tell by the number of crumpled up drawings that were on her table. Another way I could tell that she was determined was that she tried so many times to help by designing so many aircraft in the hope that the miniature boy could join his group. She eventually succeeded. This reminds me of Thomas Edison who made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. Imagine if he gave up trying. Never give up trying what you know is best.
By: Audrey
In my opinion the girl is relentless, understanding, brave, and generous. I know this because when the tiny person crashed she wanted to help him get back on his airplane in the sky. She kept trying and trying to fix the airplane but she never gave up. This shows she is relentless. She is understanding because she knows that the tiny person's friends are leaving without him and she wants to help the tiny person. She is brave because when she sees him, she doesn't get scared and most people would freak out. Finally she is generous. She wants to help the tiny person and she uses her blue prints to help him get into the sky even though she has not used them yet.
By: Evangelos
I've tried to show the different parts of the character question. The red parts are the inferences (the personality of the character). The green is proof from the video clip. The blue are the explanations that support the proof.
Keep revising. I'll post your writing when you've revised.