Good Morning Mighty and Marvelous Grade 4/5!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please take a moment and offer your intentions.
Our Lenten deed today..... say a "Hail Mary" for the health care workers around the world.
Our Lenten deed today..... say a "Hail Mary" for the health care workers around the world.
God, Our Father, we pray for St. Nicholas students, staff and their families
Help us to share and take care of each other
Keep us safe and continue to protect us
Give us patience, and faith in your love
Be our friend, our companion and our hope
We thank you, Lord, for all our gifts and blessings
Teach us to have faith in ourselves
Guide us to follow in your footsteps
Forgive us and others when we have sinned
Strengthen us to have courage to never give up
Show us how to be examples of faith everyday
Be with us at school, today, tomorrow and forever
With lasting love, Lord, please guide us always,
In your name, Jesus Christ, Creator and Lord
Bell Work
Mares-tail clouds waved in the sky, and the grass sang around us.
What do you notice?
What parts of speech do you recognize?
Answer to homework questions:
Division Question Answers:
1a) 3 R3
b) 4 R5
c) 1 R5
2a) 9 R1
b) 4 R2
c) 5 R5
Page 32
Just like multiplying in parts, you can also divide in parts and add the parts to get the quotient or answer to the larger division question. Knowing how to decompose or split the number in parts requires a bit of thinking. Again, knowing your multiplication facts is extremely helpful.
For example:
96 ÷ 6
Look at the 6 times tables on your multiplication chart. You are looking for two multiples of 6 that add to 96.
60 + 36 = 96 so ......
96 ÷ 6
= 60 ÷ 6 + 36 ÷ 6
= 10 + 6
= 16
Page 33
Review of the halving and splitting strategies.
No writing today to submit. I will be organizing your files (cutting and pasting your work into one file). Share your mentor sentence assignments at the END OF THE WEEK.
I would like you to go on the VLE and use your Religion textbook. But first watch this video:
Get to this page. It might look a bit different for you. It's the page with your Google drive. If you don't see this page. Let me know.
Click on "Growing in Faith" Students. You should see the options below:
Click on the Grade 5 textbook. It should look like this:
Click on "Electronic Student Resource". You should see this:
Read pages 140 - 143 (they are all on the same page on your computer, you just need to scroll down).
Try the activity at the bottom of page 143 (drag and drop fill in the blank).
Let me know if it works.
Each day I'm going to introduce you to something on the VLE that we haven't used before.
Mighty and Marvelous Writing
Bell Work
Mares-tail clouds waved in the sky, and the grass sang around us.
What do you notice?
- declarative sentence
- hyphen - compound (two-word) adjective - mares-tail
- personification - literary device (see below) -clouds waved, grass sang

What parts of speech do you recognize?
Answer to homework questions:
Division Question Answers:
1a) 3 R3
b) 4 R5
c) 1 R5
2a) 9 R1
b) 4 R2
c) 5 R5
Page 32
Just like multiplying in parts, you can also divide in parts and add the parts to get the quotient or answer to the larger division question. Knowing how to decompose or split the number in parts requires a bit of thinking. Again, knowing your multiplication facts is extremely helpful.
For example:
96 ÷ 6
Look at the 6 times tables on your multiplication chart. You are looking for two multiples of 6 that add to 96.
60 + 36 = 96 so ......
96 ÷ 6
= 60 ÷ 6 + 36 ÷ 6
= 10 + 6
= 16
Page 33
Review of the halving and splitting strategies.
Next week we will be applying our multiplication and division skills by finding the area of shapes. We will compare the area of shapes to the perimeters. A few more perimeter questions for review...
Try these questions in your green math notebook.
Here is a link to graph paper:
Be careful with question #1. You must have the SAME UNITS.
WritingNo writing today to submit. I will be organizing your files (cutting and pasting your work into one file). Share your mentor sentence assignments at the END OF THE WEEK.
I would like you to go on the VLE and use your Religion textbook. But first watch this video:
Get to this page. It might look a bit different for you. It's the page with your Google drive. If you don't see this page. Let me know.
Click on "Growing in Faith" Students. You should see the options below:
Click on the Grade 5 textbook. It should look like this:
Click on "Electronic Student Resource". You should see this:
Read pages 140 - 143 (they are all on the same page on your computer, you just need to scroll down).
Try the activity at the bottom of page 143 (drag and drop fill in the blank).
Let me know if it works.
Each day I'm going to introduce you to something on the VLE that we haven't used before.
Mighty and Marvelous Writing
If I was able to fly, I would fly into the clouds and touch the soft clouds. If I could actually lay on the clouds, I would sit and look down at the perfect sight of a spectacular city or maybe an awesome view of Toronto, on Lake Ontario. I would also go on a cloud right on top of Niagara Falls.Then I could see all the games, tall buildings, colours and the waterfalls day and night. That’s where I would go if I were able to fly.
By: Emilie
Once there was a man named Lazarus who was very sick that he might die. He had two sisters Martha and Mary, they sent someone to find Jesus and tell him that Lazarus was sick. But Jesus stayed where he was for two days. When Jesus was with his disciples and he told them that Lazarus was in a long sleep, but his disciples understood that it was a natural sleep. Jesus said painfully that Lazarus was dead and all of his disciples gasped. Then he went to visit Martha and Mary and they both said to Jesus, “If you were here our brother would not die.” Jesus felt very sad. They went to his tomb and Jesus said to open the tomb. They opened the tomb and Jesus said out loud, “Come out Lazarus.” Lazarus came out alive.
By: Daniel
Part of God's life is when he brought one of his people back to life. Jesus had three really good friends Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus. One day Lazarus got really really sick, he was so sick he could possibly die. Mary and Martha knew the only person that could heal him would be Jesus. So they sent someone to go find Jesus. They found Jesus walking and telling people about God. Now you might think that Jesus would rush to see his friend but he actually stayed there for two more days. So Jesus knew something that no one else knew and that was that Lazarus had died but he was going to bring him back to life. When Jesus got there Lazarus had been dead for four days straight. Jesus said to the sisters your brother will rise again. So when Jesus went to the tomb where Lazarus was buried he prayed to God. Jesus called out in a loud voice and said in glory, “ Lazarus come out.” Then Lazarus walked out and said thank you Jesus. And that was the story about Lazarus.
By: Eli
If I had wings I would go to England. I would love to fly to England to visit my relatives who live there. I would also visit Buckingham palace, see Big Ben. I would also fly to the top of the London Eye as well as Stonehenge. England has a lot of fun places And that's why I chose to go to England.
By: Audrey
Jesus’s friend got sick in Bethany so Mary sent a message to Jesus asking him to come quickly. Although Jesus got the message that Lazarus was sick, he did not rush to see him but stayed in Judea for two more days with his disciples. Jesus eventually got to the tomb with many people sobbing about the death of Lazarus. Jesus was so compassionate, he also cried. Standing in front of the tomb, Jesus called Lazarus to come out and Lazarus came out ALIVE!!! Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to display his love for his friend, to demonstrate the power and glory of God (John 11:4).
By: Audrey
A long time ago in Judea, Jesus had three best friends named Mary, Martha, Lazarus. One day Lazarus got really sick so Mary and Martha told someone to go and get Jesus. When he got there he told Jesus that Lazarus was sick but instead of Jesus coming back he stayed for two more days. Then Jesus went back to Judea and Lazarus was already dead. Jesus went to Lazarus tomb and called into it,”Lazarus come out!” and Lazarus rose from the dead.
By: Brynlee
There once was a person named Lazarus. He had two sisters called Mary and Martha. They all lived together in Bethany. One day Lazarus got sick, and was about to die. They sent someone to look for Jesus to tell Him that His beloved friend was dying. When the person found Jesus and said Lazarus was dying, Jesus still stayed in Jerusalem for two days and nights. Then after two days passed, Jesus finally got up and said to His disciples that Lazarus was sleeping and He was going to wake him up. Jesus’ disciples were confused and thought that Lazarus was actually sleeping so Jesus said to them that Lazarus was dead and He was going to show them God’s power. When he came to Bethany, Martha ran up to Him and said that Lazarus was already in the tomb for four days. Then Mary came up to Jesus, she and started crying. She said that only if He had come sooner then Lazarus wouldn't have died. Then Jesus started crying too but said to unroll the rock from the tomb. So they unrolled the tomb and Jesus called out, “ Lazarus! Come out!” Then everyone watched in amazement as Lazarus came out. Jesus said that He did this so they would believe and everyone was happy. And that’s the story of Lazarus!
By: Dominika
A long time ago Lazarus got really sick at his house. He was so sick he could die. So Lazarus’ sisters sent a boy to go find Jesus. Jesus did not go to see Lazarus but when he went he was dead. So Jesus went to the tomb and made Lazarus alive.
By: Jacob
Jesus had a very close friend named Lazarus. Lazarus had two sisters. Lazarus grew so ill that he was going to die. Lazarus’s sisters sent someone to go to the desert to find Jesus and tell him that Lazarus grew very ill and was going to die. Jesus stayed in the desert for two more days. Then Lazarus’s sisters sent the same person back again to tell Jesus that Lazarus had died. So Jesus went to Lazarus’s house. When he got there Lazarus’s sisters were crying. They said, “Why didn’t you come before Lazarus died?”
Jesus said, “I will bring him back from the dead, so show me where he is buried.” Then he said, “Remove the stone from the tomb”. Once they removed the stone, Jesus said, “Lazarus come out”. Lazarus came out of the tomb and was alive. Lazarus’s sisters were very happy.
By: Ben
Jesus' friend Lazarus was very sick and his sisters called somebody to get Jesus. The man said Jesus' friend Lazarus was about to die. But, Jesus didn’t come right away because he was going to prove to people he was the son of God. Jesus’ friend Lazarus was dead for four days and Jesus finally came to help. Lazarus’ sisters were crying so much they wished Jesus came earlier to save Lazarus from being sick. Jesus went to the tomb and started crying too. After a couple minutes Jesus opened the tomb and called, ‘’Lazarus come out!” What a miracle! Lazarus actually came out. Everyone in the town was shocked how Jesus did it.
By: Cristiano

No words in the dictionary rhyme with the word ORANGE.