Wednesday 1 April 2020

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Good Morning Mighty and Marvelous Grade 4/5!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Please take a moment and offer your intentions.

Our Lenten deed today..... say a "Hail Mary" for the health care workers around the world.

God, Our Father, we pray for St. Nicholas students, staff and their families
Help us to share and take care of each other
Keep us safe and continue to protect us
Give us patience, and faith in your love
Be our friend, our companion and our hope
We thank you, Lord, for all our gifts and blessings
Teach us to have faith in ourselves
Guide us to follow in your footsteps
Forgive us and others when we have sinned
Strengthen us to have courage to never give up
Show us how to be examples of faith everyday
Be with us at school, today, tomorrow and forever
With lasting love, Lord, please guide us always,
In your name, Jesus Christ, Creator and Lord

Bell Work
Mares-tail clouds waved in the sky, and the grass sang around us.

Mares-tail - adjective
clouds - noun
waved - verb
in - preposition
the - article
sky - noun
and - conjunction
the - article
grass - noun
sang - very
around - preposition
us - pronoun

How can we make our mentor sentence better?
  • Think of descriptive adjectives for sky and/or grass
  • Think of adverb to describe how the grass sang
Answers to homework questions:

Page 34: 2 digit x 1 digit multiplication standard algorithm

Please watch the following video and following along using a white board or pencil and paper:

#1 on page 34 uses the method above.

#2 use this method to solve the problems

Page 35: 2 digit x 1 digit multiplication expanded form
This page uses a different method. Expanded form. We have done this method already. They just do not write the first factor (number) in expanded form.

The first part of this video explains this method:

Complete these questions in your green math notebook. Do the first four using the STANDARD ALGORITHM. Do the next four using EXPANDED FORM sometimes called partial products.

Pretty easy, right?

Complete these questions in your green math notebook. 
Link to grid paper:

I've been asked to wait to start on the VLE. As long as you know how to get on, that's good enough for now. Thanks for your patience.

did you know? ^ That's so crazy I have noticed this when I study ...

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