Tuesday 24 September 2019

Today grade 4 students conducted their surveys to create a double bar graph. This will be assessed so make sure it is done correctly. The title of the graph is not the survey question. It is the topic of the survey. For example, if your survey question was "What is your bedtime on a school night?", the title of the graph would be School Night Bedtimes in Grades 2 and 6 (if those are the grades you surveyed).

Please make sure you complete Your Turn Questions.


Grade 5 your lesson involved a bit more thinking. You are learning about how to conduct a meaningful survey by determining the POPULATION. From the population you must come up with a RANDOM, REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE. If you do not understand the meaning of these words, you need to review Lesson 2 blue pages.

It's interesting to think of what would NOT be good questions or sample populations.

Make sure you complete Your Turn Questions


It is VERY IMPORTANT  that you hand in Math notebooks particularly at the end of the week. I cannot give you feedback on your work if I can't mark it! I have assessed Math notebooks four times since the beginning of the year. Handing in notebooks and assignments is RESPONSIBLE. We have bins for EVERY notebook and duotang.

Michael.... Gabriel ..... Raphael... Who are they? What is each of them known for?

Image result for archangels

We continued our conversation on what habitats provide for plants and animals. Our focus today was what plants provide for the living things in the habitat. What process did we talked about today? Can you explain it in your own words?

Here is the video clip we watched today:

Important words:
chlorophyll, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, photosynthesis, sugar, sunlight

Image result for simple photosynthesis diagram

Cross Country Meet - Springbank Park

  • Wear layers, green shirt (given today) and shorts underneath sweatpants, sweatshirt, jacket, hat (check the weather .... sometimes it's cool in the morning). You may be out of uniform for the meet.
  • Plenty of water (no sugary drinks), snacks, big lunch (you're going to work up a big appetite)
  • SOMETHING TO SIT ON e.g. blanket, towel etc.
  • Something to pass the time e.g. cards, book, doodle book, game etc.
Learning Skills
Our focus learning skill is ORGANIZATION. Overall...

I am practising the skills that will help me use my time well and keep track of my work and my belongings so that I can be a productive learner.


  • Toonie for Terry. We have collected $29 so far. Our goal is at least $52.
  • Several students have not submitted forms. You must have permission forms signed to go to the meet!

Image result for terry fox run 2019