Monday 21 October 2019

We worked on a few patterning review questions today. It is very important that you work out each answer in a multiple choice question. There are often two answers that are very similar. The one that is incorrect is called a DISTRACTOR. It is often used in EQAO tests to try to catch a common error.

We also began looking at decimals as they related to MONEY. When we use dollar notation to show money amounts, there are two digits to the right of the decimal place. These place values are the TENTHS and HUNDREDTHS.

When we are working with money, we know that there are 100 cents in 1 dollar.

45¢ is $0.45 in dollar notation

You must also know the value of the Canadian coins including the penny even though we don't use it any more. 

Image result for canadian coins

What are the images on the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, loonie and toonie?
Whose images are on the $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills?

More practice needed counting money.....

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you will be having shorter patterning quizzes. Make sure you review information in your purple duotang, textbook and notebooks.

I am also going to put a question from a our first unit in Numeracy. The question will be something like.... if you have 5000 pencils and pack them into boxes of 100, how many boxes will you need? How many packages of 10 will you need?


We had a period today to work on Google slide shows. You will be assessed on the content / information for Science and the presentation for Media and oral communication. All students were given the opportunity to stay in at lunch recess to work on their assignment. It is due on Thursday.

Today we talked about the story of Abraham and Sarah. God made a new covenant with Abraham. What was the covenant? How does this covenant compare to the covenant he made with Noah?
Here are the video links:

Guess what he meaning of the name Isaac is?

Image result for Abraham and sarah

  • Several students have not remitted funds for you field trip to Fanshawe Conservation Authority and permission forms for Halloween bowling
  • A few students must bring back green Nighthawk shirts
  • Physical Education class tomorrow...... bring gym clothes!
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