So far in decimals....
- A decimal is a way to show a fraction using the place value system
- The place value to the right of the decimal is the tenths place
- There are 10 tenths in 1 whole
- The place to the right of the tenths is the hundredths place
- There are 10 hundredths in 1 tenth
- We can represent decimals many ways just as we can represent fractions
- We can write a fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100 as an equivalent decimal
- We read the decimal as AND when we say decimals e.g. 2.4 is two and four tenths
- We can use money (dollars) to show decimal hundredths because there are 100 cents in each dollar
- We can use the relationship between metres and centimetres to show decimal hundredths because there are 100 cm in 1 m
- We can show decimals on a number line (this is the most challenging for students)
- We can use our benchmark numbers to show where they are placed on a number line e.g. 0, 1, 1/2 = 0.5 = 0.50
Extra Practice: (both grades)
I'm having problems linking onto the MathUP games. There are a few digital games. I will contact them to solve the issue.
We talked about the artist Gustav Klimt. We sketched our painting modeled after "Baby" and oil canvas that is hung in the National Gallery in Washington DC.
Most students began researching their Old Testament prophet. Some of you just typed the question into a Google search and expected to find the answer. That's not now research works. If you're trying to find the answer to a fact based question such as how big is an elephant, that strategy will work. You first have read about your prophet. Then decide the message from God and the prophet's message to the people. Try typing in...
the name of your prophet then Old Testament. READ what it says. If it is too difficult, ask to clarify the words.
You will have more time to work on this assignment this week.
Family Life
We completed are discussions of the different ways we grow and develop....
- Physically
- Socially
- Intellectually
- Spiritually
- Emotionally
Please think carefully when you complete your handout. Share your thoughts with a parent. I'm sure they would love to hear your thoughts. Make sure the handout on the special people in your life is also completed.
Here is the link for the content of Theme 1 for your parents:
Lots of laughs doing IMPROVISATION on Friday. It takes quick thinking to respond WITHOUT a script and perform on the spot!
- Gifts for the St. Nicholas Giving Tree and Hat and Mitten Drive
- $4 for guest artist
- Return your Fully Alive (Family Life) textbook