Monday 25 November 2019

We did quite a few decimal review questions. Please make sure you complete your homework. Both grades have Your Turn Questions and some textbook work.

Grade 4 your questions are a bit tricky because you need a bit of knowledge of the relationship between decimetres and metres.

1 m = 10 dm so 1 dm = 0.1 m

A decimetre is a tenth of metre. If you have 2.3 m you have 2 m and 0.3 m
If 1 m is 10 dm then 2 m is 20 cm
0.3 m is 3 dm because 1 dm = 0.1 m
So...... 2.3 m is 23 dm

Remember the order or place value....

tens / ones / . / tenths / hundredths

We will have our Science debate on Thursday. Please be prepared to explain the argument that you are going to present. Write it on the BACK OF YOUR CARD. You have to speak for a total of 30 s, which may not seem long, but it is!

Remember to not use arguments that other members of your group are using to support your position.

There may be some overlap, but be careful.

You have one more day to finish the first draft of your life as an inanimate object. Remember to include the literary devices we have studied in class including onomatopoeia, simile, pun.

The week before the beginning of Advent we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. We watched a bit of the Passion of Christ. At first it may seem odd to have this gospel for this feast day. But if we think about it, Jesus Christ is our King because he died for us so that we may have eternal life in heaven. Jesus was a HUMBLE, MERCIFUL, FORGIVING, LOVING and JUST king. Not necessarily the words we think of to describe a king.


  • $4 for art program
  • Gifts for the St. Nicholas Giving Tree and Hat and Mitten Tree
  • Math homework signed
Image result for feast of christ the king