Wednesday 27 November 2019

Today we reviewed a bit of homework from the past weeks. CORRECT your mistakes. Complete your Action Task and Your Turn Questions. Get your homework signed by a parent.

The focus today was placing decimal tenths (grade 4) and decimal hundredths (grade 5) on a number line and counting forwards and backwards by tenths and hundredths.

Extra Practice Both Grades:

Keep working on your research about your Old Testament prophet. Don't forget to look at the beginning of the book in the Old Testament your prophet is part of. Find out information about your prophet that you didn't know before and make sure you UNDERSTAND what you type. Don't copy something from the Internet that you don't understand.

We want to wrap this up by the end of the week.

Today we talked about what happens when you introduce a new species into a habitat or take away a species from a habitat. The food chains in a habitat are balanced. When one thing is affected, everything else is affected. That's by living things are INTERDEPENDENT in a habitat.

If you didn't get a chance to find out the reason why your animal is endangered, please do so this evening.

What happened to the Newfoundland wolf? Why did it become extinct. We came up with several possibilities:

  • Hunters killed the wolves or the caribou
  • The caribou disappeared
  • Disease
  • Holly bush that the caribou ate disappeared, causing the caribou to disappear

Hmmm..... I wonder what happened? Try to find out.

Image result for newfoundland wolf

We also talked about the unique relationship between the herbivores on the African savanna. The zebra, wildebeest and gazelle all eat the same savanna grass. How do they all survive? Explain to a parent using the diagram below:

What would happen if a species that eats the entire grass plant was introduced into the savanna? What would happen to the other animals of the savanna?

Make sure you are ready to present your argument for our debate at the end of the day.

Image result for animals of the savanna

Wow, our seventh week of chess. Now you are playing with all the chess pieces. I love how Mr. Lee shared the importance of seeing PATTERNS on the chess board.Target and attack.... play offence to win the game!

  • $4 for Art Class
  • Gifts for Giving Tree and Hat and Mitten Tree
  • Library
  • Indoor running shoes for gym