Thursday 28 November 2019

We are going to leave decimals and move onto geometry. Decimals test on MONDAY. Here are a few games to play. I still don't know why I can't post the links to the games. You can just use regular dice. Both practice counting by decimals on a number line.

Most students have completed the first draft of their story about life as an inanimate object. We will be working on revising and editing over the next week.

Today we talked about God's greatest gift of love, Jesus. We also discussed the importance of Jesus being fully human. The fact that he was fully human helps us relate to him. Jesus knew what being a human was all about because he lived as a human.

We also talked about ATONEMENT. What does that word mean? It means much more than saying your sorry.  It involves an action to make up for your mistake or sin. Sin or doing wrong separates us from God. When we atone, Jesus helps us  be "at one" with God.

Image result for atone bible

We had our debate today. We ran out of time at the end, so there were a few people who had additional rebuttal arguments. You will have some time for rebuttal arguments if you did not get the chance. We will also discuss some of the main points for and against the housing development. Some students really thought a lot about their argument and were very well prepared. BRAVO!

  • Assessment folders signed and returned. Review your tests.
  • Off-uniform tomorrow
  • Decimals test on Monday
  • Reading Test on Tuesday
  • 8 students have not paid for the art lesson on Tuesday. Please remit $4 as soon as possible.