Tuesday 3 December 2019

Please complete the following Action Task (both grades). Remember you are classifying angles that are INSIDE the shape. The shape can have many sides and be a very unusual shape. These are your benchmark angles:

Angles can be described using your benchmark angles as follows....
  • Smaller than a straight angle but larger than a right angle.
  • Smaller than a right angle but larger than half a right angle.
  • Smaller than half a right angle.
  • Larger than a straight angle.

Action Task

1. Create one shape that has all the following angles:
    •  At least two angles that are a little smaller than a half right angle.
    Mark them with a black dot.

    •  At least two angles that are a little larger than a right angle.
    Mark them with a white circle.

    •  At least one angle that is close to a straight angle. Mark it with a blue dot.

    •  At least one other angle. Mark it with a green dot.

2. Compare the other angles in your shape to the three benchmark angles. 

What a wonderful morning we had learning to draw real birds with out guest artist Jo Percival. Everyone did a magnificent job completing their drawings. If you did not finish, you can complete your drawing at lunch tomorrow.

Most students did not complete their reading test. We will finish tomorrow. Make sure you remember when you summarize you retell the most important events in YOUR OWN WORDS. When you check for understanding after each page with your reading group, you are really practicing how to summarize the story. If it does not directly relate to solving the problem, then it isn't important enough to include in the summary. Divide your summary into a beginning (setting, problem, characters), middle (trying to solve the problem), end (resolution).


  • Last day of chess tomorrow. A kind note for Mr. Lee would be a very nice way act during Advent.
  • Math homework signed.
  • Keep working on Science slides and Religion assignment on your Old Testament Prophet.