Monday 2 December 2019

We want to finish our Science unit this week. If you did not complete your handouts, here is the link to the information about the Yanomami Tribe:

Be respectful when learning about different cultures. Everyone has different customs and traditions. They may look different to you, but you would also look different to them!

Related image

Complete the next handout in Science. The page that's starts with the question about the wildebeests, gazelles and zebras. Several students completed this in class.

Please have a parent initial your homework when it is completed.

You may work on your slides for Science this evening as well. They are due at the end of the week.

Information on each slide:

Endangered species: photograph, name, habitat (location), number left in the world, reason it is endangered

Extinct species: picture or photograph, name, habitat (location), approximate date when it became extinct, reason for extinction

Remember to pick a species that you do not know about.... you are not limited to animals. You can choose a plant as well.


  • Reading groups / test tomorrow. DO NOT FORGET YOUR BOOK.
  • 5 students have not brought in $4 for the artist visit
  • Artist visit tomorrow..... we are using chalk pastels so you may want to bring an old shirt...
  • Think about the 5 ways you are going to bring the light of Christ to others this Advent season