Tuesday 7 January 2020

Our multiplication strategies today were double / half the factors and double the product.

Let's take a look at each.....

16 x 4 = 8 x 8 because 8 is half of 16 and 8 is double 4. Like I said in class, if I told you I would double the amount of candies you have and then take half, you will have the same number of candies.

Try these...

12 x 4 =
14 x 5
18 x 3

Sometimes we can use a related product to get the answer to another product.
For example,

If you know 3 x 7 = 21 then 6 x 7 = 42 because 6 is double 3 so the product would be double 21

Try these....

How would you use 4 x 8 = 32 to get 8 x 8?
How would you use 3 x 9 = 27 to get 6 x 9?

If you double a factor on one side of the equation, to get it to balance we double the answer or product on the other side. Remember our multiplication vocabulary:

Image result for factor, product

Today we also talked about different POLYGONS. Grade 5 please review the definitions in your notebook: regular polygons, irregular polygons, convex polygons and concave polygons.

Related image
Regular polygons have ALL EQUAL ANGLES AND ALL EQUAL SIDES. A regular triangle is called an equilateral triangle and a regular quadrilateral is a square. For all other shapes, just put the work regular before the name of the shape.

Image result for concave convex polygons
Related image
Concave polygons have at least one angle greater than 180 degrees and at least one diagonal on the EXTERIOR or outside of the polygon.

Complete the following for homework:
Related image
Image result for regular and irregular polygons worksheet

Grade 4 please practice your quadrilateral sorts. A few questions to think about....
Is a square a rectangle?
Is a rectangle a parallelogram?
Is a rhombus a square?
Is a square a rhombus?

Remember.... parallelograms have opposite sides equal and parallel. Special parallelograms include a rectangle, a square and a rhombus.

Although you do not have to know convex and concave for grade four, you should know the difference between concave and convex kites.

Most groups did a good job finding the main idea and message of  the Epiphany gospel reading. When you write the main idea it is just what the story is about. Use the 5Ws to summarize the story. The message takes a bit more thought. In the gospel Jesus represents the star. The star shone for everyone to see just like Jesus was born for everyone. No longer were God's people the Jewish people. His family included anyone, even three wise mean from the east.

Finish your colouring page.

Most of you got a good start on your pen pal letter. Some did not use the computer time wisely. It's important that you understand who you are as a learner. If you are tempted to chat with a good friend, then don't sit beside him or her. Far too many people are staying in at lunch to finish work because they do not finish it during class time or do not finish it for homework. It's important that you go outside to play...... work hard during class time.

We will be revising persuasive letters tomorrow.

Social Studies
Today we talked about rights that are given to all Canadian Citizens. They are outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some of those rights are highlighted in your textbook. Read them over tonight. Are there any rights that surprised you? 

Ideas for the first part of the homework should be on the lined piece of paper in your duotang. We talked about being Canadian before the holidays.

The second part we talked about today. What are some strengths and challenges of Canada's multicultural population?
People from other countries.....
  • teach us about people and cultures from around the world
  • they bring talents and knowledge
  • they teach us to be accepting and respectful of people
  • they bring wonderful foods and customs
Challenges of Canada's multicultural population....
  • language
  • not understanding Canadian customs and traditions
  • different laws
  • feeling alone / different
Some of the strengths, could actually be challenges as well.

  • Gymnastics in Phys. Ed. Make sure you have a t-shirt, shorts and your hair secured for class.
  • Science test next week (more information tomorrow)
  • Triangle / Quadrilateral test next week